Covert Operations
File Name:
(Hart-Burnett) Faireborn
Birthplace: Martha's
Vineyard, Massachusetts |
Rank: Sergeant
Primary Military
Military Specialty:
Personnel Clerk
Status: Killed in action
First Appearance:
JOE #32 (February 1985)
Lady Jaye combined her
and lingual skills (she speaks French, German, Russian, Polish,
Italian and Portuguese) with her training in Airborne, Ranger and
schools to be one of the most skilled members of the G.I. Joe team. She
is even an accomplished pilot. Before joining the team, Lady Jaye
both Bryn Mawr and Trinity College in Dublin. It was her skills as an
in covert operations that got her assigned to the Joe team.
Shortly after
joining the
Lady Jaye served as weapons officer on a Skystriker training flight.
With Ace as pilot, the Skystriker had a
run-in with a Cobra Rattler and a
ensued. Lady Jaye's competitive nature made it difficult accept the
ending in a stalemate. On her next
mission, Lady Jaye and a group of
raided a suspected Cobra hideout in Staten Island, near Joe
-- The Pit. As she and Duke
approached the front door of the house,
were hit by machine gun fire. Both escaped with little more than a
rib, thanks to their bullet-proof vests. Lady Jaye's skills were
enough to allow her to command a training mission for a group of new
The mission was more than they bargained for when the team was attacked
by Dr. Mindbender's Battle
Troopers and mutant plant spores.
team fought and thought their way out of Cobra's trap, and Lady Jaye
them with flying colors. Later on, Lady Jaye was part of a small team
Joes that foiled the hijacking of an airliner. Lady Jaye was one of the
Joes to participate in the invasion of the Cobra controlled town of
After that mission, the Joe team was put on suspension and were forced
to take up residence in Fort Wadsworth, rather than in The Pit itself.
Around that time, Lady
Jaye's unique relationship with Flint began.
made his advances, but Lady Jaye was turned away by the warrant
display of arrogance. Flint was making a pass at Lady Jaye when they
happened upon a group of Cobra Eels
-- the first wave of Cobra's
of Fort Wadsworth. As Lady Jaye went to warn the other Joes, Flint
to single-handedly stall the Eels, and eventually stopped them after
being beaten unconscious by the Cobras. Flint's selflessness made Lady
Jaye think twice about her opinion of him. The Cobra invasion of the
continued, however, while Lady Jaye, Flint and the rest of the Joe team
engaged in a firefight in Fort Wadsworth above ground. The battle ended
when the Pit was destroyed by Generals Hawk
and Hollingsworth to keep
from gaining the upper hand. It was soon discovered that Destro,
killed in the battle, had survived and was going back home to Scotland.
Jaye and Flint teamed with two British operatives in order to
the plans for Cobra's Terror-Dromes from Destro. They watched as Destro
arrived at Castle Destro only to be met by an impostor, posing as him,
who promptly had Destro arrested. The Joes decided to break Destro out
of jail and Lady Jaye used her undercover skills to pose as an elderly
charity worker to get access to Destro's cell. Once inside, she got
to safety as Flint and the others blew a whole in the jail's wall,
the weapons supplier. Together, they exposed the impostor, and though
could have easily disposed of the Joes with his private army, but he
to honor his deal with Lady Jaye, noting, "the problem with making a
with a pretty that one is obligated to honor it." From that
on, Destro was less apt to see the Joes as his enemies.
Some time
later, Lady Jaye
had become closer to Flint and went with him, Scarlett
and Snake-Eyes
vacation to Grenada. While there, Lady Jaye and Flint were horrified
Scarlett and Snake-Eyes were apparently killed by a landmine. In
they had faked their deaths so that they could undertake an
rescue of three Joes being held in a Soviet gulag in Borovia. When they
returned, Flint could not keep his anger at Scarlett and Snake-Eyes in
check. He blurted out that they could have included he and Lady Jaye in
the mission and not make fools of them! Lady Jaye was so upset by
outburst that she punched him, knocking him to the ground. She angrily
told him that Snake-Eyes and Scarlett did what they did to protect
friends. The argument didn't last long, however, and Lady Jaye and
admitted to their feelings for each other. After Lady Jaye returned
a dangerous mission in which she and other female Joes posed as a
hostages, she and Flint were interrupted during a tender moment by a
infiltrator in the Pit. They sounded the alarm and chased the intruder,
but he escaped. That infiltrator's stealing of a secret military "black
box" sparked the Joes involvement in the Cobra Island civil war. Lady
Flint and Mainframe served as the Joes' operations team on board the
U.S.S. Flagg
aircraft carrier. They were disappointed that they never made it into
battle. After the battle ended and the Joes were withdrawing from Cobra
Island, Lady Jaye got into a fist fight with Zartan's
Joes were all sure that Lady Jaye would've won, too, if the fight
been broken up.
Months later,
Lady Jaye was nearly killed in a botched
undercover mission to free a family being held hostage in their home in
rural Iowa. Lady Jaye was later teamed up
Flint, Scarlett and Snake-Eyes on an undercover mission into Darklonia.
They posed as obnoxious American tourists to the eastern European
in order to expose a traitor in the Wolkekuckuckland military, which
being advised by the Joes. Over the next few months, Lady Jaye took
in a battle with Dreadnoks on a Long
Island expressway, stopped two
Joes from getting loose in Pit III and journeyed into the nation of
Gordo, where a group of Joes teamed with the new October
Guard. Lady
had to deal with Flint's jealousy as she flirted with the Guard's Lt.
The team eventually made it out of Sierra Gordo alive, but just barely.
Lady Jaye also took part in the Battle of Benzheen, a major operation
the middle east in which many Joes lost their lives. After Cobra had
tried to
Destro killed, Lady Jaye and a team of Joes helped protect his castle
Trans-Carpathia from a Cobra assault. Afterward, the Joes were forced
find their own means of transportation out of the middle east via
During the attempt, Hawk was shot by Borovian secret police. Lady Jaye
had to single-handedly protect her injured commander, and eventually
help from the Borovian freedom fighters Magda and the White Clown. Hawk
and the others made it back to the states in time for Cobra's attempted
invasion of the Pit III. In retaliation, the Joes assembled a mission
sneak into the Cobra stronghold on Cobra Island. The small team
of Duke, Lady Jaye, Roadblock and
Snake-Eyes. They discovered that
had all but abandoned the island to Firefly,
attacked the Joes with
a group of Battle Android Troopers and Red Ninjas. One of Lady Jaye's
missions for the Joe team took her back into eastern Europe with Flint,
Hawk, Stalker and Snake-Eyes. The Joes were
trying to stop Cobra's
of Wolkekuckuckland, advising the military once again. They succeeded
rescuing Snake-Eyes from Cobra's castle in Trans-Carpathia.
From her
arrival at the
Lady Jaye was a vital member of the G.I. Joe team, at times taking a
role in its command structure. After stormy introductions to both
and Flint, Lady Jaye developed a friendship with Scarlett and more than
a friendship with Flint. Sometimes underestimated, enemies soon learn
Lady Jaye is one tough soldier combining her combat skills with a keen
mind and highly trained Intelligence skills. She stayed with the Joe
until its disbanding. A few years after the Joe team was shut down,
Jaye and Flint were married and currently reside in Fort Meade,
not far from the Pentagon. Lady Jaye retired from military service for
a time, though Flint remained in the Army.
2001, the G.I. Joe team
was reinstated by the government in reponse to Cobra's return to the
States. Duke brought many of the older Joes to help train and lead a
of new recruits and Lady Jaye is now one of the team's field
She led a mission to stop an advanced, malfunctioning Cobra BAT in the
streets of Chicago. Some time after that mission, Flint and the Baroness
were captured by Russian mobsters. Lady Jaye led a mission into the
Republic to rescue her husband, joining forces with Destro's Iron
After the rescue, the Baroness -- causing trouble just for the fun of
it --
kissed Flint to thank him for helping her escape. Lady Jaye was not
and once again gave Flint a punch in the mouth before he could explain.
Lady Jaye later joined the Joes' invasion of Cobra Island to battle the
forces of a revived Serpentor.
A short time
later, the
Joe team baited Cobra Commander
into a trap by making him believe Destro was onboard a train guarded by
the Joes. Destro helped set the trap in exchange for his freedom. In
the battle that followed, Hawk was shot and paralyzed by Cobra
Commander, who was in turn captured by the Joes. Lady Jaye and a small
team of Joes have been assigned to the facility where Cobra Commander
is being held to help oversee his interrogation. But even with the
Commander in custody, the cabal of generals known as the Jugglers have began cracking down on the
Joes in Hawk's absense, intent on reigning in the team or disbanding it
all together. Lady Jaye began wondering if she and Flint can ever
have a normal life together without being consumed by the fight against
Meanwhile, Hawk was seemingly
despondent and unwilling to retake
command. Duke
and Flint did their best to keep the team together with the help of
General Joe Colton, though the Jugglers cut down their roster to about
a dozen Joes and arrested a number of them. They also placed General
Philip Rey in command of the team. Rey, Flint and the remaining Joes
fought Cobra Commander's plans to unleash the deadly superweapon known
as the Tempest. At the same time, the
Joes faced a new threat in the group called the Red Shadows, who had
begun targeting and murdering Joe and Cobra agents. They sparked
violence and instability around the globe, hoping to take control of
the world. Lady Jaye gathered intelligence on the new threat as a small
team of Joes tried to stop them. The battle with this new organization
became shockingly
personal when Flint was attacked by an agent of the Red Shadows named
Dela Eden and
would have been killed if not for Lady Jaye's timely arrival on the
scene. Though she saved her husband's life, Lady Jaye was stabbed
through the heart by Eden and killed as Flint looked on in horror.
Devastated and looking for revenge, Flint threw himself into the battle
against the Red Shadows. He nearly got himself killed by infiltrating
the Shadows' base on his own before the remaining Joes arrived. Flint
nearly shot and killed an unarmed Eden, but was not disturbed enough to
turn himself into a murderer. In
end, Duke, Rey and Flint's small
team of Joes defeated the schemes of both the Red Shadows and Cobra.
after these
threats were neutralized, the G.I. Joe team was again disbanded by the
military. The defeat of the Red Shadows did little to help Flint deal
with his grief over Lady Jaye's death, and he and the other Joes may
never be the same after losing one of their closest friends and most
valued teammates.
Artwork: G.I. JOE #110 (dossier); G.I. JOE #47 (interior) by Rod
Whigham and Andy Mushynsky; G.I. JOE vol. 2 #2 (interior) by Steven
Kurth; G.I. JOE Battle Files #1 (interior).
- G.I. JOE: #32, 34, 37-39, 44,
47-51, 53,
57, 63,
64, 67, 72-74, 76, 77, 83, 88, 93, 97, 99-105, 109, 110 (dossier),
111-113, 115-117, 120-123,
128, 129, 132-134, 148-151, 155
- G.I. JOE Special Missions: #7,
11, 16, 22,
24, 27
- G.I. JOE Yearbook: #2
- G.I. JOE: Order of Battle: #1
- G.I. JOE vol 2: #1-4, 10-15,
23-26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36-38, 42, 43
- G.I. JOE: Battle Files: #1
(compiled with help from Bryon Hake)
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