Cobra Intelligence
Name: Anastasia
Known alias:
Anastasia DeCobray
Europe |
Military Specialty:
Military Specialty:
Fixed Wing Pilot
At Large
First Appearance:
JOE #1 (July 1982)
The Baroness
Anastasia was born somewhere in Europe in 1953
to wealthy aristocrats who spoiled her. Her
brother, Eugen, had been part of a
humanitarian effort to bring medical supplies
to the natives of Vietnam during the Vietnam
War. The supplies were to be distributed to
the people regardless of their political
affiliation. During the Tet offensive, Eugen
had been in Saigon and Anastasia, only 15
years old, came along since she was on
Christmas break from her boarding school. When
they arrived, a warehouse which was supposed
to be filled with the supplies was empty. He
discovered that his contacts were selling the
supplies to buy weapons. When DeCobray found
out, the two men shot him dead. At that
moment, a young soldier -- Snake-Eyes -- arrived
and killed the two men. Anastasia rushed into
the room and saw Snake-Eyes there, believing
he killed all three men. Taken away before
Snake-Eyes was cleared, Anastasia became
angry, bitter and disillusioned. She soon
became a radical student activist and
eventually an international terrorist.
particulars of the early years of her career
are unknown, but by 1982 the Baroness had
became an infamous figure and joined the
organization known as Cobra
Command. Early in her career with
Cobra, she led the team that kidnapped
American scientist Dr. Adele Burkhart. The
Baroness first dealt with the G.I. Joe team
during their rescue of Burkhart. For the
next few years, Baroness became an integral
part of Cobra and a trusted lieutenant of Cobra Commander. When
Cobra Commander brought Destro into the
organization, he was surprised to find out
the Baroness had already met Destro. It was
obvious they had had a past relationship,
but the exact circumstances remain unknown.
Cobra Commander soon became suspicious of
Destro's growing power in the organization
and hired the mercenary Major Bludd to kill
him. During a battle in Washington, D.C.
with the Joes, Bludd took the opportunity to
shoot Destro while driving a HISS tank. The
Baroness realized what was about to happen
and swerved her tank to stop Bludd. Her tank
exploded, nearly killing her. Bludd decided
to save the Baroness, but they were both
captured by the Joe team. Bludd managed to
escape the Joes headquarters -- the Pit -- and took
a comatose Baroness to the Bern Institute of
Reconstructive Surgery in Switzerland where
she was healed by Dr. Hundtkinder. When Joes
had tracked them to Switzerland, Bludd sent
a message to Cobra Commander to ransom the
Baroness back to Cobra. Once he showed up,
Bludd and the Baroness escaped and left the
commander to be captured by the Joes.
Bludd and the Baroness returned to Cobra
headquarters and began plotting with Destro
to take control of Cobra. They wanted to
eliminate Cobra Commander, knowing that his
bodyguard, Storm
Shadow, would rescue him. They sent
the mercenary Firefly
and the Cobra pilot, Wild Weasel, to find
the commander. But Storm Shadow was
captured, allowing Cobra Commander to escape
and return to Cobra headquarters. Firefly
and Wild Weasel were captured by Zartan. The
Baroness and Major Bludd continued their
plan to take over Cobra. Baroness offered
freedom to a imprisoned Bludd to help her.
Bludd located the young boy Billy, part of the
Cobra underground in Springfield, the
Cobra-controlled town somewhere in America.
They trained him to assassinate Cobra
Commander, but when the attempt was made,
Destro somehow recognized that Billy was
Cobra Commander's son and stopped the boy.
When Billy's trial was held, he refused to
turn in his accomplices. Bludd and the
Baroness were delighted and soon afterward,
Storm Shadow rescued Billy and left Cobra.
Baroness continued her prominence in Cobra.
She and Destro tested the inventions of Dr. Mindbender
against G.I. Joe trainees and were defeated,
but Mindbender joined Cobra. When Storm
Shadow tried to escape Cobra Island, the
Baroness shot him, tired of being betrayed
by the ninja. Destro
and the Baroness helped Mindbender scour the
world for the remains of long-dead
historical leaders. The scientist used these
remains to create Serpentor,
the ultimate Cobra warrior. Storm Shadow's
body was used as well and he was somehow
revived. When Serpentor arrived on Cobra
Island, he began to usurp control from Cobra
Commander, gaining the support of the
Baroness and Dr. Mindbender. Soon afterward,
Cobra Commander and Destro attacked G.I.
Joe's headquarters, the Pit. The Pit was
destroyed, and the commander and Destro were
presumed killed in the explosion. The two
men had survived, but went into hiding for a
short time, away from Cobra.
Cobra Commander was shot by the Crimson
Guardsman Fred VII,
who thought the commander had died. He
arrived on Cobra Island claiming to be the
original Cobra Commander. Serpentor had the
Baroness decide if it was truly Cobra
Commander, since she knew what he really
looked like. When Fred VII revealed his
identity, the Baroness did not turn him in,
but instead decided to become his "partner,"
using him to have more control over the
organization. The power struggle between
Serpentor and the false commander culminated
in the Cobra Island Civil War, which split
Cobra into two factions, loyal to Serpentor
or the commander. The war, in which the Joe
team entered on Serpentor's side, ended with
the death of Serpentor and the arrival of
Destro. Destro's personal army nearly took
over the island when Destro claimed the
Baroness as his prize, and left the island,
taking her with him.
Baroness then joined Destro's organization,
which soon merged with Cobra. She was teamed
up with Zarana to
oversee Cobra's Broca Beach operation. The
two women constantly fought and the Baroness
tried to kill Zarana. The Baroness soon got
a call from Dr. Hundtkinder who faxed her a
picture of another patient at the Bern
Institute. She recognized the man as her
brother's murderer, and learned it was
Snake-Eyes. She attacked the Bern Institute,
shooting Scarlett
and capturing Snake-Eyes. She brought him
back to the Cobra Consulate building in New
York, but Snake-Eyes escaped, causing the
collapse of the building. Baroness nearly
fell to her death but was caught by
Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow as they hung
from the crumbling building. She was about
to shoot Snake-Eyes when Destro arrived and
told her that he had been in Saigon as a
teenager when her brother was killed. His
father had dicovered that Snake-Eyes had not
killed Eugen. Unwilling to accept this, she
let go of Snake-Eyes and fell again. She was
saved by Storm Shadow who returned her to
Destro to live with what she had done.
Destro gave up his weapons business to live
with the Baroness in his castle in Scotland.
When the real Cobra Commander returned to
power, he attempted to kill Destro. He
brainwashed the Baroness to kill Destro, but
she broke free of the conditioning and
defended Destro's castle in Trans-Carpathia
from Cobra with the help of the G.I. Joe
Dr. Mindbender revealed to Cobra Commander
that he had placed mind-controlling implants
into Destro and Zartan years earlier, the
commander returned to Destro's castle in
Trans-Carpathia and activated the implants.
He soon used the Brain-Wave scanner to
control the Baroness, Billy and Storm Shadow
as well. With the high command of Cobra back
in power, the commander began his plan to
take control of the countries surrounding
Trans-Carpathia. A short time later, the
G.I. Joe team was team was disbanded by the
U.S. military. Soon afterward, Cobra forces
fell to a unified attack by regular military
forces. Most of Cobra's "high command"
disappeared in the wake of the conflict,
including the Baroness. Some
time later, Destro and the Baroness
reemerged, once again in control of his
weapons manufacturing firm, MARS, and the
Iron Grenadiers. A few years later, Destro
became sick from a debilitating family
illness. His condition worsened for months
as the Baroness watched helplessly. In 2001,
a young man named Alexander McCullen arrived
in Scotland and introduced himself as
Destro's son -- a son he never knew existed.
Destro took Alexander in as his condition
worsened, and soon the young man began to
assume his father's identity, and the
Baroness helped him accomplish the charade.
He enlisted the aid of a British soldier
named Lilian Osbourne as he took control of
the Iron Grenadiers. Destro had in fact
showed signs of recovering from his illness,
but Alexander used stolen nano-mite
technology to slow the recovery until he
could complete his goal of earning the
Destro birthright.
Months after his arrival in Scotland, Cobra
Commander sent word to Destro that he was
returning to the United States and extended
an invitation to meet with him. In the guise
of his father, Alexander accepted the offer
and planned, with Lilian (now known as his
general, Mistress Armada) and the Baroness,
to take over Cobra and hatch his plans to
take over America. There were many raised
eyebrows when "Destro" appeared to have
started a relationship with Mistress Armada,
even though the Baroness remained at his
side. As Alexander battled against the Joe
team, his sanity came into question and the
Baroness had grown to hate him. Once
Alexander's forces were defeated and the
nano-mites destroyed, Destro quickly
recovered. His son and Lilian made their
escape with the help of a helicopter but
found the Baroness on board and they were
soon imprisoned in the Silent Castle.
Finally given a chance to relax, Destro and
the Baroness were spending a quiet evening
alone when Cobra Commander attacked the
castle, seeking to kill Destro for his
betrayal. Destro explained that it had been
his son who had taken control of Cobra from
him, and offered to rejoin Cobra to pay
Alexander's debt. Lilian was given to Cobra
Commander as a servant, while Alexander
performed menial tasks for his father.
Meanwhile, as the Baroness left on what was
to be a shopping trip, she was captured by
the Japanese criminal organization, Yakuza
and taken to the Czech Republic where she
and the Joe named Flint
were held prisoner. She and Flint worked
well together and escaped, only to find the
Joes and Destro had staged a rescue
operation. Once their enemies were defeated,
the Baroness -- causing trouble just for the
fun of it -- kissed Flint to thank him for
helping her get through their ordeal.
Flint's wife, Lady
Jaye, was not amused and gave Flint a
punch in the mouth before he could explain.
time later, Cobra Commander was captured by
the forces of a revived Serpentor and held
on Cobra Island. The Commander sent word to
Destro that if he rallied Cobra and his own
troops to rescue him, all debts would be
repaid. Destro did just that, and took
charge of Cobra when the Commander went
missing after the battle, the Baroness by
his side. Cobra Commander finally returned
to resume his leadership of Cobra. Reminding
the Commander that all debts were now
repaid, Destro once again left Cobra behind.
Most surprising to many in Cobra was that
the Baroness did not go with him, telling
the Commander that she was finished with
Destro, thanks to his willingness to leave
her behind. Destro was soon captured by G.I.
Joe and held by the United Nations. Cobra
Commander learned that Destro was being
transported on a train guarded by the Joes
and launched a rescue operation, along with
the Baroness. In reality, Destro and the
Baroness had been working together the whole
time while Destro made a deal with the Joes
and the UN to help capture Cobra Commander.
After the Commander shot General Hawk in the
back during the fighting, the Baroness shot
him in turn and left him to the Joes. She
then reunited with Destro as he took control
of Cobra, and it was revealed that she and
Destro had been married some time earlier.
And if those changes weren't surprising
enough, the Baroness learned shortly after
that she was pregnant.
As she and Destro began
to lead from Cobra Island, the forces of the
Coil -- formerly Serpentor's army -- joined
Cobra and fought in Europe under the command
of Armada and Major Bludd. Soon, it was
discovered that Cobra Commander had not been
captured by the Joes after all. It had been
Zartan in disguise. The real Commander
revealed himself and made his way to Cobra
Island with troops loyal to him. He arrived
with little difficulty, as Bludd, Tomax, Xamot and others had
remained loyal to him all along. The
Baroness was placed in the care of Destro's
new bodyguard, Wraith, and both attempted to
escape Cobra Island in a plane. As Destro
looked on in horror, Cobra Commander fired a
missile at the aircraft, destroying it. The
Baroness was presumed dead by everyone,
including a grieving Destro. After the G.I.
Joe team stopped a plot by Cobra to unleash
the weapon known as the Tempest, and
defeated a new threat, the Red Shadows, the
military again disbanded the team. When the
team was reactivated a year later, it was
revealed to members of the Joe team that the
Baroness had somehow survived the attempt on
her life and had been captured by the
military. She was being held in the Joes'
new headquarters, The Rock, where she was
interrogated for information about Cobra.
Not even Destro was aware she had survived.
The enraged Baroness was unwilling to tell
the Joes anything, and was more interested
in the fate of her baby. She remained in her
cell until the Phoenix Guard (a group of
disguised Cobra agents unwittingly led by
General Rey) invaded The Rock and
unintentionally allowed her to escape. Came
face to face with Zarana, who was easily
beaten by the infuriated Baroness. The
Baroness then fled in a Joe aircraft, vowing
to get revenge for all that had been done to
her. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
G.I. JOE #127 (interior - dossier) by George
Perez; G.I. JOE Yearbook #1 by Michael Golden;
G.I. JOE vol. 2 #2 (cover) by J. Scott
- G.I. JOE: #1, 5, 8, 10-16,
19, 22-28, 30, 32-35, 38, 39, 44,
47-50, 52, 54-56, 64, 65, 67, 68,
72-78, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93-97, 102,
116-118, 120-122, 127 (dossier),
136-140, 145, 146, 149-151
- G.I. JOE Special
Missions: #1, 7
- G.I. JOE:
Order of Battle: #3
- G.I. JOE
Yearbook: #2, 3, 4
- G.I. JOE vol. 2: #1-4, 6-8, 14,
17-19, 23-28, 30-32, 34, 36-39
- G.I. JOE: Battle Files:
- G.I. JOE: Front Line:
#1-4, 13, 16
- G.I. JOE: America's Elite:
#1, 2, 14, 17, 18
- G.I. JOE: Data Desk
- G.I. JOE: Declassified:
#1, 3
(compiled with help from Bryon Hake)
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