Heavy Machine Gunner
File Name: Marvin
F. Hinton
Birthplace: Biloxi,
Mississippi |
Rank: Sergeant First Class
Primary Military
Infantry Heavy Weapons
Military Specialty:
Status: Active
First Appearance:
JOE #22 (April 1984)
Growing up in the South, Roadblock
was not known for being tough. As a child, he was both a member of his
church choir and a boy scout. But what surprises people most about
is learning that he dreamed of becoming a gourmet chef. He was working
as a bouncer -- an easy job thanks to his immense size -- to earn money
to attend the Escoffier School in France when an Army recruiter
him the Army could train him to be a chef. He joined, but found Army
to be appalling. Even so, he took well to Army life and transferred to
the infantry. Roadblock became an expert with the M-2 Browning .50
heavy machine gun, a weapon that was often found mounted on a tank, and
few soldiers could even lift. Early in his career, Roadblock served at
the Army's Ranger School, assisting instructor Conrad "Duke"
Hauser in training exercises. During this
time, he encountered Eric "Short-Fuse"
Freistadt, who would later go on to be Roadblock's teammate despite
washing out of Ranger training.
Roadblock joined the G.I. Joe
in 1984 along with Duke, making his first appearance at the funeral of
the Joes'
commander, General
Flagg. Cobra
Commander sent a Cobra
Rattler jet to
buzz the
to test out its capabilities. As the jet approached, Duke and Roadblock
appeared and shot the Rattler out of the sky with their firearms. On
first assignment, Roadblock was part of a team of Joes sent to track Major
Bludd and the Baroness
through Europe
after Bludd brought the injured
to a renowned hospital in Bern, Switzerland. As the other Joes kept the
hospital under surveillance, Duke and Roadblock set up a makeshift
post in a sidewalk cafe. While Duke kept in contact with the Joes,
found time to criticize the restaurant's cuisine, and did so again
following the Cobras to Lucca, Italy. After a brief battle, Roadblock
and Clutch
captured Cobra Commander. Duke,
Roadblock and a small group of
brought the Commander to a remote plateau and set up a temporary base
hold him there. Unfortunately, the Commander escaped with the help of Storm
Shadow, but Roadblock and Gung-Ho
managed to stop the ninja. Some time
later, Roadblock and a team of Joes battled Cobra agents in the Florida
made his
to the small nation of Sierra Gordo as part of a small team sent in to
rescue American scientist Dr. Adele Burkhart. The Joes made their way
the country's dense jungles and infiltrated the bunker in which
was being held. They made a quiet entrance but were discovered on the
out. They fought their way through the bunker's defenses and barely
into the jungle. The team traveled directly from Sierra Gordo to New
where a large group of Joes were investigating Cobra activities in the
Gulf of Mexico. After a fierce battle against Cobra hydrofoils, the
were tricked into setting off an explosion that aggravated a fault line
beneath the ocean. The resulting quakes forced a huge piece of the
floor above the surface, creating an island. The Joes attacked the
forces occupying the island, hoping to push them off before Cobra's
the island declared sovereign land. The tide of battle turned in the
favor, but the disappointed soldiers had to give up the fight when
Island was granted sovereign status just moments before they would have
been victorious. Soon afterward, Roadblock joined nearly the entire
Joe team in an invasion of the Cobra-controlled town of Springfield and
later headed to Sierra Gordo to help capture one of Cobra's
Months later, Roadblock
to a war torn Sierra Gordo. He joined Hawk and
Psyche-Out as the three
Joes made their way into the nation's capital to see that the U.S.
returned home safely and that all important records at the U.S. embassy
were destroyed before revolutionary troops could arrive at the embassy.
While the Joes made their way through the crowd of looters inside the
Roadblock noticed a man about to set an American flag ablaze with a
lighter. Roadblock stepped forward and aimed his .50 caliber machine
at the man's head, then "politely" asked him to stop what he was doing.
The man thought that Roadblock was crazy, since more valuable things
being stolen. "Nobody ever died for a typewriter," Roadblock responded.
The man decided not to call Roadblock's bluff and left the flag alone.
The U.S. ambassador was not pleased by Roadblock's actions. Eventually,
the Joes blew up the embassy and escaped with the ambassador to head
home. But as the Joes' vehicle approached their transport plane sitting
on the runway, it unexpectedly took off, hijacked by Dreadnoks.
fled into the jungle where they were guided through by the leader of
counter-revolution, El Jefe. They survived a battle with enemy troops
to an unlikely rescue by Destro,
who helped
them all in exchange for a
deal to supply the counter-revolution with weapons and vehicles.
A short time after his
into Sierra Gordo, Roadblock and the rest of the Joe team took part in
the Cobra Island civil war, fighting alongside Serpentor's
Cobra Commander. The unexpected death of Serpentor forced the Joes to
home in failure. When Hawk and General Hollingsworth headed to the
to discuss the defeat with the group of generals that oversaw the Joes,
Roadblock went with them. When the three men arrived, the generals had
them arrested and claimed that Hawk and Hollingsworth had acted against
orders and that the generals were not responsible for the invasion. It
was a lie, but the corrupt General Malthus was unwilling to accept the
blame. As the three men were being transported as prisoners, Roadblock
broke free and escaped into Washington, D.C., even as the Joes onboard
the U.S.S. Flagg were taken into custody. Hours later,
arrived at the front door of Dr. Adele Burkhart's home in Georgetown,
for help. Burkhart remembered Roadblock as one of her rescuers and
to help. With the doctor's assistance, Roadblock gathered together the
remaining members of the Joe team and organized a mission to rescue
and Hollingsworth. The assault that followed not only saved the
but simultaneously exposed Malthus and cleared the Joes' names.
In the next few
participated in many more important missions. He met the
original G.I.
Joe while battling Cobra in Manhattan and protected the Eastern
nation of Wolkekuckuckland from invasion by Cobra forces. He and a
of Joes later teamed up with the Soviets' October
Guard on another
into the jungles of Sierra Gordo. While battling Cobra forces there,
was injured and temporarily blinded. With the help of the Guard's
Misha, he fought his way out of the jungle and both Americans and
barely made it out of the country alive. While still recovering from
injuries, Roadblock participated in the biggest Joe operation yet --
Battle of Benzheen -- helping to free the middle eastern nation from
occupying force. During the fighting, several Joes lost their lives. In
the years that followed,
Roadblock defended Joe headquarters from a Cobra invasion, freed the
of Millville from Cobra's control and journeyed into space with the Joe
Star Brigade to once again join forces with the October Guard.
played a major role in the Joe team from his arrival until the team was
disbanded. His good nature, his sense of honor and loyalty, and his
on the battlefield made him one of the team's most vital members.
After the Joe team
was shut
down, Roadblock left the military to once again pursue a career as a
In the years since then, he became somewhat of a celebrity, authoring a
number of books. In 2001, the G.I. Joe Team was reinstated by the
in reponse to Cobra's return to the United States. Duke brought in many
of the older Joes to help train and lead a batch of new recruits and
Roadblock became one of the team's highest ranking field commanders. He
took part in a number of missions including the battle against Cobra
troops in Washington, D.C. and the fight against a Cobra BAT
through downtown Chicago. He also took some time out from his
duties on the Joe team to start his
own cooking show on cable television in California called "Kiss Your Mama Home Cooking".
When the network's parent company -- owned by Tomax
and Xamot's
Extensive Enterprises -- decided to close down the show, a group of
Dreadnoks attacked Roadblock during the show. He eventually defeated
them and also helped boost the ratings for his show, which was
renamed "Cooking with Kung-Fu Grip".
Roadblock later returned to the
Joes and was part of a convoy of vehicles escorting a group of
young children who turned out to be clones of the original Serpentor.
The Joes' convoy of vehicles
unexpectedly attacked by the forces of the revived Serpentor, known as
The Coil. The main vehicle was torn to pieces and Serpentor arrived to
liberate his brothers inside. When new Joe recruit Daemon tried to stop
him, the former
Cobra Emperor grabbed him by the throat and snapped his neck, killing
him, as Roadblock and Daemon's friend Firewall looked on in shock. As
mourned the loss of her friend, Firewall
looked to Roadblock for support, seeing him as a kind of big brother.
The remaining Joes
taken prisoner and held on Cobra Island until an invasion force arrived
to battle The Coil. The battle was won, and the Joes headed home, later
having a ceremony for their lost teammates.
Some time
later, Roadblock
took part in a disastrous mission into the
Cobra-infiltrated town of New Moon, Colorado. After a surprise Cobra
attack, Roadblock and the rest of his team barely made it out alive
Cobra used planted explosives to level the town. The Joes were blamed
for the incident and all those involved were arrested by the cabal of
Generals known as the Jugglers, who began to take control of
the team to reign it in, if
not disband it altogether. Roadblock was
eventually released along with his teammates, but they did not return
to the Joe team. Eventually, G.I. Joe's roster was cut down
to only a dozen Joes. After the remaining team members stopped a plot
by Cobra to unleash
the weapon known as the Tempest, and defeated a new threat, the Red
Shadows, the military again disbanded the team.
One year later, the Joe team was
reformed with a
smaller roster of active members, including Roadblock, under the
command of Joe Colton. Roadblock joined the effort to stop terrorist
Vance Wingfield's plot to cause the crash of many orbiting satellites
into populated areas. After the first satellite crash in Chicago,
Roadblock, Scarlett
and Shipwreck
rushed to the scene to assist
workers. Roadblock then helped rescue Scarlett from Destro's submarine,
which resulted in the supposed death of Snake-Eyes.
He then joined the
other Joes on a mission to recover Snake-Eyes' body after it was stolen
by the Red Ninjas, and discovered they had somehow revived him. During
the attack on the Joes' headquarters by the Phoenix
Guard, Roadblock
was temporarily blinded by an enemy flash grenade and thrown into one
of the Joes' own holding cells. He soon regained his sight and helped
defeat the invaders, but not before they had injured some Joes and
killed many members of the base support staff. Following the incident,
Colton ordered the Joes to go on leave to recover from their ordeal.
Artwork: G.I. JOE #76 (cover) by
Ron Wagner; G.I. JOE: Front Line #18 (cover) by Tim Seeley.
- G.I. JOE: #22-25, 28, 29, 33,
37-42, 46,
48-52, 61-63, 65, 67, 69, 70, 74-78, 81-83, 86, 88, 90, 93, 95,
101-105, 110-113,
116 (dossier), 120-123, 128, 129, 132-134, 136, 137,
141, 144-149, 151, 154, 155
- G.I. JOE Special Missions: #2, 4,
- G.I. JOE Yearbook: #2
- G.I. JOE: Order of Battle: #2
- G.I. JOE vol 2: #1-4, 11-15,
22-26, 31, 34-36
- G.I. JOE: Front
Line: #18
- G.I. JOE: Battle Files: #1
(compiled with help from Bryon Hake)
figure/filecard links at YoJoe.com :