Sean was the son
of the original Fred Broca, a
Guardsman who looked exactly like the rest of the "Fred series".
true identity was unknown. Despite being only a child, Sean was aware
the fact that his father worked for
Cobra. As
a child, he was even
present for a fight between his parents and a small team of Joes. After
Fred was killed in
G.I. Joe, the family got a
"replacement" father, Fred II. Sean
and his sister Heather quickly realized that the new Fred was not their
time later, Fred II was revealed to be Wade Collins, a former Vietnam
of war and friend of
Stalker and
Snake-Eyes. Collins decided to turn
back on Cobra and his family followed him to live a somewhat normal
life somewhere in America, taking his true name as their own.
later, just as the Joe team was being shut down, Sean asked his
father's permission to enlist in the Army. Wade
was hesitant
due to his terrible experiences in Vietnam, but Sean failed to
just what his father had gone through and what it meant to be a

Wade suggested that Sean should write to Snake-Eyes and ask
the opinion
of a tough, career soldier. In his letter, Sean explained to Snake-Eyes
that he wanted to join the Army because most of his school friends had
no direction in life, didn't care about America and certainly had no
of honor. He wanted to make more of himself. The letter that Snake-Eyes
wrote back explained what the commando thought about life as a soldier,
and told the stories of the rest of the people from the long range
patrol unit that Wade and Snake-Eyes were a part of. Moved by the
letter, Sean promised his father that he would think about all that
said before making his final decision. Sean finally decided to enlist
even after Snake-Eyes gave him some perspective on the Army, secretly
hoping to be like the man he now considered his father.
After distinguishing himself early in
his career,
Sean was invited to join a covert operations unit called the Hammer
Team. After nearly a year of training the five member team performed
well on their first serious mission into Afghanistan. Sean became close
friends with his teammate Mikhail Derenko, a former Russian Spetsnaz
commander. The team's second mission was led by the former G.I. Joe
team sergeant, Duke -- who had been working
for a secret government
organization since the break up of the Joe team -- and undercover
operative Chuckles. The goal of the
mission was to take down the
mercenary Firefly after an elaborate trap
was set. At the same time,
Snake-Eyes and his new apprentice, Ophelia planned to capture Firefly.
Unfortunately, the mission was a disastrous failure. Sean watched the
rest of the Hammer Team die even as Ophelia was mortally wounded by
Firefly. The operation deeply scarred both Sean and Snake-Eyes.
seeing another person he cared about die, Snake-Eyes broke off his
engagement to Scarlett. Sean took some
time off from the Army and
tracked Snake-Eyes down at his mountain cabin, hoping the commando
could help him deal with the pain and anger over what he had seen.
Snake-Eyes agreed to train Sean as a ninja, eventually with the help of
the remaining members of the Arashikage clan
-- Jinx, Nunchuk and
T'jbang. Sean came to call Snake-Eyes "Silent Master." Almost another
year passed, and Jinx discovered that Firefly was in Tokyo to meet with
the "Nowhere Man", an unidentified man who was recruiting soldiers and
mercenaries, including former members of Cobra. While tracking Firefly,
Sean, Snake-Eyes, Jinx and Budo had the mercenary under surveillance
when he met with Storm Shadow to recruit
him. A confrontation followed
and Snake-Eyes once again fought his sword brother, even as the others
tried to capture Firefly. Duke and Chuckles arrived on the scene and
soon intervened to help the ninjas evade the Nowhere Man's men. Duke
then revealed that the Nowhere Man was actually Mikhail Derenko, who
pretended he died with the rest of the Hammer Team. Sean was now
determined to get his revenge on Firefly for killing his friends and
Derenko for betraying him. At a nightclub in Japan, the mercenaries and
the former Joes fought again as Derenko and his men attempted to access
an old Cobra weapon locked in a vault that could only be opened by
Cobra's high command or members of the Crimson Guard. Sean was shocked
to discover that Derenko's latest recruit was his own father, former
Guardsman Wade Collins. Wade explained that he only joined with Derenko
to bring down his organization from the inside to atone for his past
and to make his son proud. As Sean lunged at him, Derenko redirected
his attack, causing Sean's sword to wound his father. As his father lay
dying in his arms, Sean told him he had always been proud of him.
Derenko made his escape, but not before Sean attacked him with throwing
stars and blinded him in one eye. But it was too late to save Wade
Collins. Weeks later, having passed his final trials, Sean was
officially welcomed into the Arashikage clan, receiving the clan tatoo
and naming himself "Kamakura"
after the clan's golden age.
Following his induction into the ninja
Kamakura began working for the same secret organization as Duke. In
2001, the young ninja took the
photos of the Everglades Dreadnok
compound that confirmed Cobra
presence in the United States. That evidence lead to the reinstatement
of the G.I. Joe team after seven years. Kamakura became the first new
member of the Joe team, participated in their first
an attack on the Dreadnoks' base, and later helped defend Hawk from
Shadow's assassination attempt. Later, Kamakura attempted to help
and Billy fight Storm Shadow and Cobra
but Storm Shadow easily bested him. Kamakura was later one of the many
Joes involved in an invasion of Cobra Island to battle the forces of a
revived Serpentor. During that battle, he
saved the life of Hawk, who
once called him a "green power ranger", wary of having
another Ninja Force as part of the team. Shortly after that battle,
Kamakura joined a team of Joes on a mission to capture Cobra Commander
at a hidden Red Ninja retreat in Tibet, but the Commander escaped with
Storm Shadow's help. Months later, Storm Shadow had finally broken
free of the Commander's mind control and headed to Japan to distance
himself from his past and embrace the Arashikage traditions once again.
Junko Akita, his apprentice and lover, was kidnapped by the Red Ninjas,
Snake-Eyes and Kamakura, joined Jinx and the remaining Arashikage
ninjas on a rescue mission into Tibet and found that Junko had been
brainwashed by the
evil ninja Sei Tin. After a brutal battle with the Red Ninjas, Kamakura
and the others could not stop the disturbed Junko from leaping to her
death into a ravine inside the cave retreat. The surviving Red Ninjas
pledged their loyalty to Snake-Eyes once again, as they had months
earlier when he was declared their new leader. Days later, a ceremony
was held in the mountains honoring those who had died in the battle. It
was there that Snake-Eyes turn leadership of the Red Ninjas over to
Some time later, members of the Joe
fought Cobra forces that
were drawn into an attack on a train guarded by the Joes, believing
Destro was being held prisoner onboard. At the battle's end, Hawk was
shot in the back by Cobra Commander and paralyzed. As Hawk recovered in
a hospital bed, Kamakura stayed in the room with the general as his
bodyguard. He tried to tell a despondent Hawk that he was being to hard
on himself by blaming the collapse of the team on his own actions. Hawk
angrily dismissed the young ninja, telling him he didn't understand
what he had given up for the team over the years. In Hawk's absence,
the Jugglers began to take control of the Joe team to reign it in, if
not disband it altogether. Eventually, the team's roster was cut down
to only a dozen Joes, while the other were reassigned to new units. The Jugglers also placed General
Philip Rey in command of the team. Rey and the remaining Joes
fought Cobra Commander's plans to unleash the deadly superweapon known
as the Tempest. At the same time, the
Joes faced a new threat in the group called the Red Shadows, who had
begun targeting and murdering Joe and Cobra agents. Hawk himself nearly
became their next victim before being saved by Snake-Eyes, Scarlett and
Kamakura. Shortly after
threats posed by Cobra and the Red Shadows were neutralized, the G.I.
Joe team was again disbanded by the
One year later,
the Joe
team was reformed with a smaller roster of active members. Kamakura,
like most former Joes, was made a reserve member of the new team. After
one of the new team's earliest missions, Kamakura got word that
Snake-Eyes had been killed in action. Kamakura rushed to the team's
location. Angry and upset over the death of his master, Kamakura
confronted Storm Shadow, who had been the only one present at
Snake-Eyes' death. He questioned Storm Shadow's honesty and accused him
of being responsible. After a brief fight, Kamakura calmed down and
then discovered Snake-Eyes body was missing. He and the Joes eventually
tracked down the body and learned that the Red Ninjas stole the body
and somehow revived Snake-Eyes and brainwashed him to turn against his
teammates. Snake-Eyes nearly killed Kamakura before Storm Shadow
intervened and helped break Snake-Eyes free of the ninjas' mind
control. Following the incident, Kamakura returned to the team's active