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Part 1: Ancient History PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
480 B.C. During the Persian Wars, a Persian army led by Xerxes I invades Greece. An army of Spartans led by Leonidas delays Xerxes at Thermopylae. The Persians eventually defeat the Spartans, of whom there are no survivors. Serpentor will recall this centuries later in a speech to his troops.
  Historical accounts. Serpentor delivers his speech in "Serpentor " (GI 49). It is uncertain whether or not Serpentor "was" Xerxes.
382 B.C.
Philip II, future king of Macedonia, is born.
  Historical accounts.

359 B.C.
Philip II seizes power and becomes king of Macedonia.
  Historical accounts.

356 B.C.
Alexander, later known as Alexander the Great, is born in Macedonia to Philip II.
  Historical accounts.

336 B.C.
Alexander is named king of Macedonia after the death of his father Philip II.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Philip II, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. The fact that Philip was part of Serpentor's DNA comes from #24 of the Devil's Due series.

323 B.C.
June. Alexander the Great dies, having spread his empire and Greek culture to much of the known world.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Alexander, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. Although the comic series does not actually say Serpentor "was" Alexander the Great, the cartoon series does. This is supported in the comics when Storm Shadow, his mind having been used to help create Serpentor, mentions a battle at Tyre. Tyre was one of many cities conquered by Alexander.

247 B.C.
Hannibal is born in Carthage.
  Historical accounts.

218 B.C.
During the Second Punic Wars, Carthaginian general Hannibal crosses the Alps into Italy with an army, using elephants. Hannibal led many battles in Italy, but was never able to invade Rome itself.
  Historical accounts.

183 B.C.
Hannibal, now chief magistrate of Carthage, commits suicide to avoid surrendering to Rome.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Hannibal, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. Hannibal's DNA being a part of Serpentor is established in Serpentor's filecard.

100 B.C.
July 13. Gaius Julius Caesar is born in Rome.
  Historical accounts.
52 B.C.
Roman armies led by Julius Caesar lay siege to Alesia during the Gallic campaigns. The army's signifier invents pizza with pita bread and scraps of food to make the soldiers' food more palatable. The Gauls were soon defeated by the Romans. Serpentor, the Cobra Emperor and amalgamation of long dead conquerors like Julius Caesar, will recall this centuries later.
  "My Dinner with Serpentor " (YB 3). Serpentor mentions the year when he tells Dr. Mindbender the story.

44 B.C.
March 15. Julius Caesar is assassinated in Rome.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Caesar, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. Caesar's DNA being a part of Serpentor is established in Serpentor's filecard, "The Battle of Springfield " (GI 50) and "Divided We Fall " (GI 73).

440 A.D.
The Huns, led by Attila, invade the Roman empire.
  Historical accounts.

Attila the Hun dies.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Attila, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. Attila's DNA being a part of Serpentor is established in Serpentor's filecard.

ca. 1028
William, later known as William the Conqueror, is born in Europe.
  Historical accounts.

October 14. The Battle of Hastings. Norman armies under the command of William the Conqueror defeat the Saxons near Hastings in East Sussex, England. Saxon King Harold I is killed by an arrow. The battle marks the beginning of the Norman conquest of England. Serpentor, the Cobra Emperor and amalgamation of long dead conquerors like William, will recall this centuries later during the Cobra Island civil war. Seconds later, he will be killed by an arrow.
  Historical accounts. Serpentor's recollection appears in "All's Fair " (GI 76).

William the Conqueror, King of England, dies.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of William, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. Note that Serpentor doesn't actually say he "was" William the Conqueror, but the fact that he seems to recall actually fighting in the Battle of Hastings seems to indicate this.

Temujin, later known as Genghis Khan, is born in northeastern Mongolia.
  Historical accounts.

Genghis Khan unites warring Mongol tribes and is proclaimed emperor.
  Historical accounts.

August 18. Genghis Khan dies, having established a Mongol empire which extended from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Black Sea in the west.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Genghis Khan, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. Genghis Khan's DNA being a part of Serpentor is established in "Serpentor " (GI 49) and "Divided We Fall " (GI 73).

Vlad IV is born to Prince Vlad Dracul (Vlad the Devil). He will also be called Dracula or "son of the Devil".
  Historical accounts.

Vlad IV seizes power after one other failed attempt to become the prince and ruler of Walachia. He will remain in power until 1462. Vlad's cruel and brutal punishments of his enemies gain him the name "Vlad the Impaler", and later give rise to the legend of the vampire Dracula.
  Historical accounts.

After successfully regaining the Walachian throne, Vlad the Impaler is killed.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Vlad, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts.  Vlad being part of  Serpentor had only been established in the cartoon series until the recent Devil's Due G.I. Joe #24.

August 25. Ivan IV, later known as Ivan the Terrible, is born in Moscow to Visily III, Grand Duke of Moscow.
  Historical accounts.

Ivan IV is crowned the first Czar of Russia. His ruthless rule will earn him the nickname "Ivan the Terrible".
  Historical accounts.

March 18. Ivan the Terrible dies.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Ivan, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. Ivan being part of Serpentor was only established in the cartoon series until the recent Devil's Due G.I. Joe #24.

A member of the Destro clan sells weapons to both sides in the English civil war. Cromwell's men discover this, and to punish him they force him to wear a steel mask. The lairds of the Destro family will adopt the custom of wearing the mask and will pass it down to subsequent generations.
  Destro's second filecard.

Scotland. One of the men to take the name James McCullen Destro establishes the naval gun foundry which will later become the weapons manufacturer M.A.R.S. (Military Armaments Research Syndicate).
  "Strange Bedfellows" (GI 57). Flint mentions the year of the founding of M.A.R.S.

August 15. Napoleon Bonaparte is born at Ajaccio, Corsica.
  Historical accounts.

December 2. Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Emperor of France.
  Historical accounts.

June 15. An army led by Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo.
  Historical accounts.

May 5. Napoleon dies.

Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Napoleon, along with that of other military leaders, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor.
  Historical accounts. Napoleon's DNA being a part of Serpentor is established in Serpentor's filecard, "The Battle of Springfield" (GI 50) and "Divided We Fall " (GI 73).

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