
Cover Date: July,
Script: Larry Hama
Pencils: Rod Whigham
Inks: Andy Mushynsky
Lettering: Joe
Colors: George
Roussos |
Editor: Denny O'Neil
Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
Somewhere in Middle East, local police officers confront looters in an
ancient tomb. Destro and Dr. Mindbender are the looters and they're
carrying a mummy. Destro translates, telling Mindbender that they shoot
tomb robbers in "this particular backwater," then fires a wrist rocket
at them. The two Cobras reach a transport 'copter flown by the
Baroness. They've successfully found the remains of ten warriors and
Mindbender's project can continue.
On Cobra Island, on a ledge overlooking a massive construction site,
Cobra Commander is thrilled that they've located the tombs and that
Mindbender can now construct the ultimate soldier from the remains of
history's greatest warriors. Tomax and Xamot agree that such a project
would be an amazing feat and doubt that even the late Dr. Venom would
be able to accomplish it. The Commander mentions that he's giving
Mindbender access to Venom's equipment, including the Brain-wave
Later, at the Springfield Museum of Antiquities, Dr. Mindbender has set
up a laboratory suited for his experiment. Mindbender annoys Cobra
troopers has he tells them precisely how to handle the bodies of the
dead warriors. Each is placed in a large cylinder-shaped
"saline-protein tanks" filled with liquid. Mindbender explains the
details of his experiment. Using the genetic material from the bodies
to generate nerve tissue through cloning. The computers will combine
that tissue to create a working model of a brain, and place it into the
faceless body Mindbender has created, giving the soldier the
intelligence and mental abilities of the ten warriors. "Memories" are
just historical data fed into the computers. Mindbender amends his
number of warriors from ten to eleven. He's decided to include Storm
Shadow's body, gunned down by the Baroness on Cobra Island not too long
In Springfield, the Dreadnoks are enjoying themselves at a local
restaurant, but notice Zartan is missing. "Zartan" is actually Ripcord
in disguise. He's using a pay phone when Firefly, Scrap-Iron and a
group of Cobra troopers barge in, having discovered "Zartan" is making
a call to G.I. Joe headquarters. Ripcord hangs up the phone, telling
Breaker he has to go. He pulls off his Zartan hood (it "just gets in
the way" ) and smashes through a window as the Cobras open fire.
On the staging level of G.I. Joe headquarters, Hawk has assembled
dozens of Joes. He announces that Ripcord has revealed the location of
Springfield and every Joe that can carry a weapon is in on the
invasion, and they'll leave immediately. He reminds them that Ripcord
may be dead, or wishing he is, but "he put everything on the line to
make this mission possible...let's not let him down." The Joes only
answer: "Yo Joe!"
Once outside, he pulls a man out of his car and apologizes at first but
realizes, "What am I saying? This guy is probably wearing Cobra
underwear!" As Ripcord speeds off he discovers a little girl was in the
car, as well. Scrap-Iron almost fires a missle at the car before the
man stops him -- his daughter is still inside. Back at the museum,
Mindbender has started the process and the large vat in the center of
the room begins to glow. Destro watches the computers and
monitors in amazement as the warrior is being given life. Destro then
wonders how they can be sure what side he'll be on. Mindbender explains
that he'll use the Brain-wave Scanner on himself to impart his
loyalties to Cobra into the warrior. He also chooses a fitting name for
Cobra's greatest soldier: "Serpentor! I like that. A snake-like ring to
it!" The Baroness switches on the Scanner and "Serpentor" continues to
take shape. Back outside, Ripcord politely asks the little girl to get
out of the car, but changes his mind when she pulls out a .357 Magnum
and threatens to blow a hole through his head. The Cobras arrive and
capture Ripcord. Torch makes sure he thanks the little girl. "You're
welcome, Mr. Dreadnok, sir!"
Meanwhile, two C-130 transport planes, a Tomahawk 'copter and Dragonfly
make their way to Springfield, filled with Joes, vehicles and
equipment. Three new Joes are in on the mission: Leatherneck,
Slipstream and Lift-Ticket.
Back at the museum, Mindbender is in pain as he is subjected to the
Brain-wave Scanner. The Baroness considers that they should have warned
Mindbender how painful the Scanner can be. "I thought of it, my dear
Baroness," Destro replies, "but I didn't see the point in trying to
enlighten someone so apparently superior in intelligence!" The
Dreadnoks arrive, with Ripcord, unstrap Mindbender from the Scanner and
hook Ripcord up to it. A Tele-Viper calls Cobra Commander about the
possible intelligence leak. The Commander tells them to confirm the
leak and institute the evacuation plan if necessary. Using the Scanner,
they sift through Ripcord's recent memories and discover he's revealed
Springfield's location to the Joes. As the Cobras review Ripcord's
memories on the monitor, a figure begins to rise out of the vat behind
At the Springfield Power and Light Company, the Joes' Tomahawk lands
and drops off the small assault team. Hidden in the darkness, they take
the Cobra guards by surprise. Quick Kick takes them out silently while
Scarlett and Snake-Eyes plant explosives in the power plant. Moments
later, at the museum, Destro spots the explosion across town, just as
the lights go out. "They could be everywhere!" Firefly worries. They
are all startled when Serpentor speaks, telling them exactly what the
Joes plan to do. Destro lights a match and sees Serpentor. He covers
himself with a nearby cape and steals a snake cowl from a nearby museum
display case. " that my name? I seem to
remember...others...But 'Serpentor' will do...for now!"
At Springfield Police Headquarters, Stalker and the Joe assault team
have captured the local police. Stalker radios to Hawk, flying in one
of the C-130s. As the planes come in for a landing, anti-aircraft
tracer fire lights up the night sky. Wild Bill and Airborne use the
Dragonfly's chin turret machine guns to clear the Cobra ASP
emplacements, allowing the C-130s to land safely.
Back in the museum, the Tele-Viper reports what's going on. It's just
as Serpentor had predicted! Destro orders the Baroness to lead the
evacuation while he leads the troops in a delaying action. Serpentor
suggests he should lead the troops. "I have the skills and
experience...thousands of years of experience!" Destro would agree, but
isn't sure if he can trust him. He decides to send Mindbender,
Scrap-Iron and Firefly with him to keep him honest. He says Firefly is
the "most ruthless" of the group and that he will decide if Serpentor
has betrayed them "and kill you if necessary!"
At the landing field, the Joes rush to unload their vehicles and let
the C-130s take off while under heavy fire from Cobra. Stalker radios
in to Hawk to report Cobra activity at the museum, which is big enough
for a regimental headquarters. He's putting together a recon force, but
will need back-up. Hawk agrees and puts together a strike team.
Back at the museum, the Cobra troops have gathered and Serpentor is about to address them:
"I have been
entrusted to lead you in what is euphemistically called a 'holding
action.' We all know that it is really a suicide mission. But I have no
intention of dying. Nor do I intend to spend cheaply the lives of those
I lead... Leonidas held Thermopolae against the legions of Xerxes with
three hundred Spartans but perished with his men! I intend to hold
Springfield against the Joes...and live!"
The troops begin to chant: "Serpentor! Serpentor!" He smiles as they
cheer. "Soldiers never change...," he thinks to himself, "they love to
hear the same speeches!"
Commentary: Serpentor. One thing that can cause
controversy among G.I. Joe fans. Many people are upset by the very notion
of Serpentor, believing his very sci-fi origins signal the end to any realism
in the cartoon or comics. Even Larry Hama has admitted his dislike for
the character. Serpentor also helps emphasize the differences between the
cartoon and the comic book. On TV, the search for the DNA of long-dead
warriors goes on for almost all of a 5-episode miniseries, while the comic
devotes two pages to the search, of which we only see the final part.
All that said, Larry Hama does his best to make Serpentor's character
interesting. For one thing, his creation doesn't sound sound totally ludicrous.
The DNA from the warriors' remains is combined and then cloned to make
a new brain. Fiction like Jurassic Park and even real-life cloning only
years ago is similar to this. This wouldn't make Serpentor those men's
descendants, Destro actually points this out. So, when Serpentor acts like
he remembers being those warriors -- more than would happen if his brain
was filled with data. One could only guess that something metaphysical
happened to make Serpentor more than the sum of his parts. But, then again,
I'm probably over-analyzing this...
Again, Larry Hama does attempt to make Serpentor interesting. As Cobra
Commander realizes too late, the greatest soldiers of history were also
leaders and conquerors: Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Genghis Khan and others.
Serpentor is then portrayed in the comic as one imagines men like Caesar
really were. Outwardly, he's charismatic and passionate. Inwardly, he's
scheming, calculating and very intelligent. And like the men he was created
from, he is ready to usurp command of Cobra with full support of "his people."
The scene in which Serpentor's speaks to his troops is designed to look
very much like something out of ancient Rome, except there are tanks instead
of chariots. The museum they meet outside even has columns like a Roman
temple. More will be seen of Serpentor's character in the next issue, but
Larry Hama does make the most of a much-maligned character.
The actual plot of the comic is very exciting, mostly in anticipation
of the next story is issue #50. It's tough for any fan not to be excited
by the Joes acting like a real military unit and having nearly all the
Joes invade what has been Cobra's secret headquarters since day one. Ripcord's
story continues, and we see his search for Candy lead him to real heroism.
It's also nice to see the Joes doing their job so well. There's also funny
bit of twisted humor when the little girl in the car Ripcord steals is
every bit the Cobra agent her father is when she pulls a gun on Ripcord.
The appearance of Storm Shadow's body only two issues after he was supposedly
killed pretty obviously telegraphs that he'll live again.
There's on minor mistake in the issue while the Joes flying to Springfield.
The character described as Slipstream actually looks like Lift-Ticket.
Though they're both there, the artist got a little confused between the
two new characters. Strangely, in issue #54, Slipstream will introduce
himself to Ace and Wild Bill as if he's never met any of the team before.
So, this was a solid issue and while it may not be appropriate for G.I.
Joe, Serpentor's origin is pretty cool. |
First appearances:
- G.I. Joe team: Lift-Ticket, Slipstream, Leatherneck
- Cobra: Serpentor
- G.I. Joe vehicles: Tomahawk helicopter
- The Transformers (UK) #157-160
(March 19th - April 9th, 1988). A Marvel
UK series that began reprinting Action Force stories after the end of
that series. These issues reprint this story in four parts, alongside
original stories.
references to "G.I. Joe" were changed to "Action Force".
- G.I. JOE: Volume 5 (2002). A trade paperback collection from
Marvel. Includes issues #42-50.
- A version of
issue was released by Hasbro
in 2005, packaged with action figures of Firefly, Scrap-Iron and Serpentor,
as seen in
this issue. All references to Marvel
Comics were removed.
- Classic G.I. JOE:
Volume 5
(November 2009). A trade paperback collection from IDW Publishing. Aside
from some slight changes made to the cover, this is a reprint of the
earlier Marvel collection. Includes