
Cover Date:
December, 1983
Scripter: Larry Hama |
Penciler: Mike Vosburg
Inker: Jon
Letterer: Edward Norton |
Colorist: George
Editor: Denny O'Neil
Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
Summary: Just
off the coast of Brooklyn, an Amphibious Personnel Carrier (APC)
carrying Hawk, Clutch, Scarlett, Stalker, Rock 'n' Roll and Torpedo
approaches Coney Island. Stalker spots a Cobra jet heading for the
island as well. Hawk spots the Cobra courier, Scar-Face, arrive at the
shack nearby the "Cyclone" roller-coaster. Hawk tells the Joes that he
got a post card saying that Scar-Face would arrive at Coney Island.
Hawk says he had to be sure it wasn't a trap, and Scar-Face's presence
confirms the truth. "So I guess this post card really is from
Snake-Eyes!!" The Joes thought Snake-Eyes was dead, but after Scarlett
reads the post-script for her eyes only, she's certain it's from
Snake-Eyes. Rock 'n' Roll and Torpedo get onboard the Manta windsurfer,
planning to land on the other side of the island and flank the enemy.
Meanwhile, Snake-Eyes and Kwinn arrive, loking for Scar-Face, hoping he
can tell them where Dr. Venom is. Weeks ago, Venom betrayed both of
them to save his own life.
The Joes spot Destro getting out of the plane onto the top of the
roller coaster. Scar-Face is hiding from Cobra because of the virus
they gave him to deliver to the Joes. The Joes land on the island as
Scar-Face sees Destro coming for him. He sends the roller-coaster's car
to run Destro down, but Destro destroys it with a wrist-rocket. Kwinn
and Snake-Eyes find Scar-Face and Kwinn gets the information he wants.
He then gives Scar-Face the keys to his car, letting him escape. The
Joes don't see him escape. They attack Destro while trying to get to
Scar-Face's shack, only to find it empty.
Outside, Destro steals a nearby Ice Cream truck to chase Scar-Face's
car. The Joes pile into the APC to chase Scar-Face and Destro. After a
firefight on the highway, Scar-Face's Cadillac explodes, knocking over
the APC.. Destro pulls the courier into the Ice Cream truck and speeds
off towards Kennedy International Airport. The Joes soon arrive at
Kennedy to find out Destro and Scar-Face highjacked a jet heading for
Libya. Later, the Joes board the C-130 transport plane and head for
Libya with Ace in the Skystriker as an escort. Destro and Scar-Face
arrive in Tripoli where Venom gives Scar-Face an "innoculation." They
meet up with Cobra Commander at an airport where a eavesdropping
Scar-Face hears Cobra's plan is to let the Joes capture him since he is
now infected with their virus.
The Joes arrive in Tripoli. Their plan is to sneak into Cobra's armored
column that is riding through the desert. The dust and sand kicked up
by the HISS tanks help the Joes to sneak their RAM motorcycle and VAMP
jeep into Cobra's lines. Hawk leaps from the VAMP and onto one of the
HISS tanks, knocking out Scar-Face and taking him on the VAMP. The
Dragonfly helicopter fires upon the HISS column to confuse them while
the Joes take Scar-Face. The Joes on the RAM fire upon the lead HISS
carrying Destro, Cobra Commander and Dr. Venom. Scarlett and Grunt leap
from the damaged RAM and onto the VAMP. Stalker catches them both.
Soon, the Dragonfly lowers a sky-hook to the VAMP. The Joes fly away,
carrying the unconscious Scar-Face. As Destro watches the Joes fly
away, he muses that Scar-Face is his Trojan Horse. The Joes will be
infected by the virus Scar-Face is carrying. Later, the Joes leave
Libya by submarine. Hawk explains that they won't turn the prisoner
over to the government, they'll bring him to the Pit for interrogation.
"We found him, we keep him.
Continuing from the previous issue, "Destro
Returns!" is the penultimate chapter of the long-running storyline that
began in issue #12 and will end in #19. Destro comes to Coney Island,
looking for Scar-Face while the Joes arrive thanks to Snake-Eyes'
postcard. Snake-Eyes and Kwinn arrive as well, looking for information
on Dr. Venom's whereabouts. The character of Scar-Face is an
interesting one. He is one of Cobra's higher ranking agents, but
nowhere near as important as the other Cobras. Larry Hama makes us see
Scar-Face as someone to pity. He may be in Cobra voluntarily, but he is
constantly abused and taken advantage of by the Cobra "high command."
He's actually used by everyone. When he tries to escape to his run-down
hideout, it seems like he's way in over his head and is trying to get
out of what he's gotten himself into. The Cobras are using him as
nothing more than a virus-carrier who can be killed easily if the plan
fails. The Joes want Scar-Face for any information he might have, and
Kwinn threatens his life just to find out where Venom is. As Cobra
characters go, he has nothing to distinguish him from other Cobra
soldiers other than his scars.
As far as other characters go, Kwinn remains respectable even when he's
out for vengeance. Once he learns what he wants from Scar-Face, he lets
him take the car he and Snake-Eyes won earlier so that he can escape
from the Joes and Destro. Snake-Eyes is an interesting person to pair
with Kwinn. One talks about everything while the other is mute.
Snake-Eyes is a soldier, Kwinn is a mercenary. The story begins to show
us that Snake-Eyes isn't staying with Kwinn to get revenge, but to keep
an eye on Kwinn. Kwinn suspects Snake-Eyes is just trying to stop Kwinn
from killling Venom, and he's probably right. Snake-Eyes probably does
this out of some respect he gained for Kwinn when they first met (#2).
If there was any question about Snake-Eyes and Scarlett's relationship
before, it ends when he includes a special message for Scarlett in his
postcard. Stalker's "no-nonsense soldier" act continues a funny scene
when Scarlett jumps from the RAM motorcycle onto the VAMP. After
Stalker offers to catch her, she asks: "Would you stop for me if I
Stalker: "No."
Scarlett: "Thanks, Stalker! You really know how to make a girl feel
Stalker: "Hey! I didn't say I wouldn't feel bad..."
Once again, Cobra is allied with areas belligerant to the United
States. They have a hidden base in Libya, where they see Cobra as
"fellow fighters in the cause." During the Joes' attack on Cobra in the
desert, it's interesting that the Joes think they're fooling Cobra, but
it's apparent that they are expected to take Scar-Face. He's Cobra's
"Trojan horse." It's unsettling at the end of the issue to see the Joes
thinking they've got the upper hand when they're actually falling into
Cobra's trap. Despite all this, the Joes' plan is an interesting one.
Hiding in the dust of the armor column may actually work in a desert
There are a few oddities in the issue, though. One is the fact that
during the chase on the highway, the Joes are engaging in a firefight
with Destro in the middle of a crowded highway. That seems like a very
irresponsible thing to do. Later, when the Joes capture Scar-Face, Hawk
knocks out Scar-Face with the butt of his pistol. Hawk seems to have a
little too much fun. He says he needs find out what key his head is in.
"C-flat," he says after the "BONK!" Scar-Face's helmet makes. I also
wonder if you could knock out someone through a helmet. One minor
glitch comes when Hawk goes through a "roll call" of the Joes that are
going on the mission to Libya. He names Ace, but Torpedo is the one
shown. The strange thing is that they specifically say that Torpedo
isn't going on the mission.
The issue had its moments of humor and the Cobras' disregard for
Scar-Face's life gives the story some suspense, especially now that
Scar-Face has found out he's been given Dr. Venom's virus. His obvious
fearfulness sets up Scar-Face's betrayal in the next issue. But,
perhaps I've said too much...
First Appearances:
- G.I. Joe vehicles: MANTA windsurfer
- G.I. JOE Comics
Magazine #7 (December 1987). Digest format from Marvel Comics. Includes issues #19
and #20.
- G.I. JOE: Volume 2 (June 2002). A trade paperback collection from
Marvel. Includes issues #11-20.
- Classic G.I. JOE:
Volume 2
(March 2009). A trade paperback collection from IDW Publishing. Aside
from some slight changes made to the cover, this is a reprint of the
earlier Marvel collection. Includes
issues #11-20.