The inception of the
October Guard cannot be
dated accurately, but Cold War era American intelligence places it
roughly around the same time the G.I. Joe team was founded. Though most
call the October Guard the Russian equivalent of the G.I. Joe team, it
is more accurately the Warsaw Pact equivalent of the Joe team,
including members from other countries like Czechoslovakia and East
Germany. The October Guard takes it's name from Russia's famed October
revolution when the Soviet Union was first founded. Under the command
Colonel Brekhov, the Guard's original team consisted of five
members: Brekhov,
The October
Guard first came up against the G.I.
Joe team in the Hindu Kush mountains. The two teams were battling for
the wreckage of a crashed spy plane. During the fighting the two teams
were surprised by a large force of Cobra troops led by Cobra Commander.
Cobra had played the teams against each other in order to steal the spy
plane. In order to track down Cobra, the Joe team and the October Guard
joined forces. Once the teams tracked down the cargo, Brekhov quickly
took advantage of the Joes and attempted to take the spy plane. In a
tense moment, one of the Joes held Cobra Commander at gunpoint,
thinking he was their way out. Not willing to let the Joes have the
advantage, Brekhov simply shot the prisoner, only to discover it wasn't
even the real Cobra Commander. The Joes escaped Cobra's lair, leaving
the Guard to fend for themselves. The Soviets somehow escaped, as they
have encountered the Joes numerous times since.

Dragonsky was added
to the team as both a master mechanic and the team's new flame-thrower.
An old veteran, Dragonsky can drive any vehicle and was indispensable
when the team ran afoul of the Joes and Cobra in Afghanistan. The team
was transporting an experimental laser cannon across the desert when
they were ambushed by a team of Cobras led by Destro. The laser was
stolen and Daina and Schrage were captured. The rest of the team
retrieved their armored vehicles, took back the laser and rescued their
captured comrades. On the way through the desert to meet up with a
train driven by Dragonsky, the team was again attacked by Cobra. The
two groups fought to a standstill until the train reached a seaport,
where a freighter filled with Joes promptly took the laser. They had
been assisted by a group of Joes disguised as local tribesman who had
followed the October Guard since they arrived in Afghanistan. According
to the Joes, the laser had been originally designed by American
scientists and stolen by Russian spies. A furious Brekhov was forced to
let the Joes take the laser.
The October Guard next met the G.I.
Joe team
somewhere in the Baltic Sea. The Joes, disguised as Swedish fishermen,
where spotted by Brekhov and Daina in a Russian helicopter. The Guard
suspected the Joes were trying to recover a sunken American submarine
rumored to be in the area. Cobra then arrived to take the submarine and
fought the Russians, not willing to let them recover the sub. In the
end, it was revealed that there was no sub after all. The Joes let the
two groups fight until they reached their goal: recovering the
defecting Captain Bulgakov from the Russians' ship, the Udaloy.
The Joes had once again played Cobra and the October Guard against each
other to reach their objective.
Over the next few years, the October
Guard faced
off against the Joes and Cobra, again and again. They fought the Joes
and river pirates in an Asian jungle, only to have both teams lose
their objective to the pirates. The Guard ran into the Joes on Cobra
Island while attempting to kidnap Cobra Commander. The Joes were
investigating the Guard and captured Stormavik and Schrage. The October
Guard lost the Commander, but stole a Cobra Mamba helicopter.
Unfortunately, Brekhov was forced to give up the helicopter, trading it
for the Joes' prisoners. The Russian team fought a small group of Joes
while assisting a communist dictator in Southeast Asia, known as
General Lom. They joined forces with the Joe team on an ice flow
bordering American and Russian territories, discovering and destroying
Cobra's secret TerrorDrome, hidden beneath the ice.
The final mission of the original
October Guard
began when the Russians arrived in Sierra Gordo to assist the
revolutionary leader, El Jefe, in his fight to overthrow the local
government. The Soviet government hoped to make Sierra Gordo communist
territory. The nation's current government was being supported by Cobra
and Destro's Iron Grenadiers. All during the mission, a small group of
Joes spied on both sides. During the fighting, Colonel Brekhov was
moved by the small nation's revolution, having long become cynical over
the "communist revolution" of his Soviet superiors. He and the rest of
his team fought valiantly, and in the end Brekhov, Horrorshow,
Stormavik and Schrage were all killed in action. Despite the help of
the Joe spies, they lost. Both teams were betrayed when El Jefe decided
to accept the support of the North American Banana Monopoly, a third
party group of investors only interested in exploiting the country. The
Joes (Recondo, Shockwave and Falcon) were captured along with Daina and
Dragonsky, the October Guard's only surviving members. They were all
eventually rescued from the South American nation by a team of Joes.

Lt. Gorky

Sgt. Misha
A short time later, the Joes discovered that the October had not been
disbanded as they originally believed. New members were added to the
team. In addition to Daina and Dragonsky, the team now included Lieutenant
Gorky and Sergeant Misha. The new team joined the Joes in a
joint US-Soviet mission to help the rebel coalition of Sierra Gordo
push Cobra and Destro out of their country. After a disastrous
beginning to the mission, the two teams fought their way through the
jungles of Sierra Gordo and were assisted by Tucaro tribesman in their
fight to get to the extraction site where they would be rescued. The
mission showed that over the past several years the relationship
between the October Guard and the G.I. Joe team had grown from bitter
rivals to reluctant allies.
The fall of the Soviet Union brought
an end to
the October Guard as it once was, but the former members occasionally
participate in missions together. Led by Russian colonel, Red Star
(who for some undisclosed reason looks exactly like the late
Colonel Brekhov), the former October Guard joined forces with the Joe
team's Star Brigade in a space mission that took them to an asteroid
headed towards Earth. The asteroid was modified by an out-of-control
Soviet scientist who used robots to take control of the asteroid and
use it as a weapon. The two teams again
fought well
together, defeating the robots and stopping the asteroid.

Red Star
Today, with the instability of Russia, the
October Guard's future is uncertain. It is likely, however, that the
former members of the team will continue to be the best operatives the
Russian military has to offer, on their own or as a team