Pit III ground level
After the
destruction of the first Pit, a new G.I. Joe
headquarters facility was planned. Built beneath a U.S. Army supply
depot in
the Southern Utah desert, the new facility was situated to avoid some
the site of the original Pit. The Fort Wadsworth site proved too
to personnel and Staten Island residents when Cobra uncovered its
Thus, a depot in the desert was chosen due to its relative isolation.
The new base was built
beneath the U.S. Army Chaplain's Assistants Supply Depot in Utah's
Escalante Desert. Anyone who passed by the facility saw little more
than a cluster of three quonset huts inside a barbed wire fence. A
small number of Joes usually inhabited the huts to maintain the
illusion of a working supply depot. The new base lacked the huge
vehicle lifts and elevators of the old Pit, and was accessible
through a stairway beneath a trap door in the center quonset hut. The
door was often covered by a rug and guarded by the Joe member Spirit,
who sometimes sat on the rug and meditated. The final construction
stages of the
new Pit were completed by the Joes themselves. When the facility was
the older Joes dubbed it "
Pit III,"
with a feeling of nostalgia for their
original base.

Pit III staging level
The wide open spaces of the desert allowed for an
even more ingenious
of getting vehicles and heavy equipment above ground than the original
base. Pit III's first level held
the main staging area. Larger than the first Pit's staging area, it
hold many of the Joes' large vehicles and was even vast enough to
accomodate the space shuttle
Defiant and it's crawler launch
At one end of the level was a huge set of sliding blast doors. When the
doors opened, a set of hydraulic lifts lowered a ramp which was an
segment of the desert floor above. The ramp allowed vehicles of all
to exit and enter the Pit leaving no trace of the ramp after its use.
This also allowed the Joes to use the desert as a launch site for the
Defiant. The rest of the base's
four levels included operations and supply, an armory, living quarters
and a mess hall. Like the Joes' previous headquarters, the base was
heavily armored and self-sustaining for long periods of time. The
desert around the base was often patrolled by small groups of Joes.
Unfortunately, the Pit III was a target of Cobra
as much as the original Pit. Cobra technicians took note of spy
satellite images that showed a small base in the desert
where more people entered and exited a quonset hut than could be
quartered inside. Suspicious of the site, Serpentor sent Dr.
cybernetically enhanced Star-Viper, who had reflexes and infiltration
far beyond the average person. The Star-Viper found his way into Pit
and stole a top secret electronic "black box" from the
computer system. He would have escaped easily that night, but he
a tender moment between Flint and Lady Jaye. The Joes sent the few
vehicles they had above ground after the Star-Viper, but he escaped.
The black box eventually forced the Joes into the Cobra Island civil

Pit III vehicle ramp
Some time later, Dr. Mindbender sent out an assault
force to the location
of the Pit. The Joes, however, had been tipped off. When Cobra arrived
and destroyed the quonset huts, all they found beneath them was solid
The Joes had simply moved the huts a mile across the desert, keeping
Pit hidden under the desert floor. The Cobra troops, led by a
humiliated and confused Dr. Mindbender, retreated back to Cobra Island.
A less conspicuous attempt to infiltrate the base
occurred after Zarana
brainwashed Joe team members Clutch and Rock & Roll while they were
held in the Cobra-controlled town of Broca Beach. The two seemingly
normal Joes made it back to the team and were allowed into the Pit.
Once there, their programming was activated, which was supposed to
cause them to go on a violent rampage through the base. The Joes were
spared from the incident when Clutch and Rock & Roll's own nature
would not allow them to become murderers and overrode the brainwashing.
A long time later, Cobra Commander staged
another assault on the Pit, but was repelled by the G.I. Joe team.
Unlike its predecessors, Pit III was not destroyed,
but simply closed after the G.I. Joe team was disbanded in the wake of
Cobra's supposed abandoning of the United States. Most of the active
Joes attended a ceremony to "retire the colors", folding up the base's
American flag for one last time. Afterward, the gates were locked and
"no trespassing"
signs were hung up to keep people away. After briefly being used it to
one final mission, Pit III was never used by the Joe team again. Years
later, the G.I. Joe team was reinstated by the military but moved on to
another base which would also be dubbed "the Pit".
Unlike Fort Wadsworth, the site of the first Pit, the
Chaplain's Assistants Supply Depot never existed, though the Escalante
Desert does exist, just northwest of Ceder City, Utah. There is also a
town and other sites named Escalante in the area.
In 1999, a new G.I. Joe series was to be released by
the now defunct Bench Press Studios. The new series would have been
written by Larry Hama and would have used the Pit III as the team's
headquarters. Hama's proposal for the series included a scene when a
group of Joes returned to the base. The series was never produced, but
Hama's scene was depicted in a few pages of artwork by penciler Ron
Lim, which can be seen here.