The Pit's training
The motor pool
at the Chaplain's Assistants School at
Fort Wadsworth was equipped to meet any repair and maintenance need,
like any other Army motor pool. It was also the only motor pool in the
world with a hydraulic lift that went down and the only one with five
of armored basement below it. In reality, the motor pool hid the secret
of the G.I. Joe team, also known as "
Pit." Built under extremely
security, the Pit was designed to keep certain the Joe team's status
classified and its existence virtually unknown. Apparently, even the
of the personnel at Fort Wadsworth was unaware of the Pit's existence,
believing that the Joe team members were just motor pool staff.
Hidden under the Chaplain's Assistants School, the least threatening of
all army installations, the Pit housed nearly the entire G.I. Joe
within its five levels. These levels contained an elaborate training
rooms, an armory and high-tech communications equipment and computer
systems. A staging area held the Joe team's vehicles and offered access
to the equipment lifts leading to the motor pool above. (Of the team's
many vehicles, only their aircraft were housed elsewhere, stationed at
McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey.) Personnel
support areas such as a canteen (kitchen) and living quarters were also
The bottom levels of the Pit could be sealed off and could operate
for six months, withstanding up to a five megaton blast. Fortunately,
aspect of the Pit was never tested. The team's original thirteen
members actually took up
residence in the base before it was completely operational.

Motor pool entrance
During the early days of the team,
Cobra's first attempt at infiltrating the Pit occurred when following a
battle, the Joes brought a dismantled Cobra battle robot into the Pit
for study. It was believed to be deactivated, but an outside signal
from Cobra caused the robot to reactivate and reassemble itself. After
a brief battle and minor damage to the Pit, the robot was destroyed
before it could reach the surface and transmit a signal that would
reveal the location of the base.
Many months after the Cobra's first
attempts to find the location of the base, the Pit was threatened with
Cobra assault.
Cobra had discovered that the Joes were quartered at Fort Wadsworth,
but the Joes were tipped off by Cobra agent, Scar-face. Knowing that a
Cobra assault was imminent, Hawk had a prefabricated fortress built one
level below the motor pool.
Using the equipment lifts, the fortress was pushed to the surface just
as a Cobra attack destroyed the motor pool. Cobra believed that the
ground level
fortress was the entire G.I. Joe H.Q., so when they blew it up they
the Pit itself had been destroyed. After the battle that followed,
Cobra's forces retreated. During the battle, General Flagg was killed
by the mercenary Major Bludd, making the victory a hollow one for the

Much of the Pit remained intact after
the destruction of the prefab fortress,
but the top levels had been severely damaged. The Army took the
to rebuild the Pit, this time expanding its facilities to deal with the
team's growth within the last year and allow for even more Joes to
join the team. Many of the team members themselves took part in the
reconstruction. The rebuilt headquarters was different enough for the
to unofficially call it "
Pit II."
The new Pit had an expanded motor
above it, which allowed for many more vehicle lifts, a helicopter
pad and even a hidden ICBM missle silo. The original Pit had an escape
leading to a water tower on the ground level. In addition to that, Pit
II included an earth-boring vehicle to allow for an additional escape
route. After months of construction, the new Pit was officially opened
with a dedication ceremony hosted by General Austin.
The Joes later found their base infiltrated by Cobra
once again when Zartan, disguised as G.I. Joe member Ripcord, was
brought into the Pit to treat supposed injuries he sustained during a
mission to Cobra Island. Once deep in the Pit, Zartan used his
abilities to disguise himself as numerous Joes as the team locked down
the base and tried to track down the elusive master of disguise. He
nearly escaped before being stopped by Sergeant Slaughter. Zartan was
then held prisoner in the base, and remained there when most of the Joe
team invaded the Cobra-controlled town of Springfield.

Pit II "war room"
The Battle
of Springfield proved disastrous after Cobra managed to evacuate their
town, leaving
behind little evidence that they were ever there. As the Joes made
their way back to Fort Wadsworth, a group of Dreadnoks beat them there.
They learned the location of the Pit from Buzzer, who had been held
prison there for a time. The biker gang freed Zartan with the help of
his siblings, Zandar and Zarana, due in part due to the small amount of
staff left at the base.
After the Joe team was put on suspension following
the debacle at
the Pit was sealed and all personnel were assigned to regular barracks
above ground. Cobra
chose this moment to again attack the Pit, using Zartan's knowledge of
its location. The mission was led by Serpentor, who was quickly taking
control of Cobra away from Cobra Commander. The off duty Joes,
stationed throughout Fort Wadsworth
organized an attack on the motor pool, where the Cobra forces had
gathered. Cobra Commander, trying to prove himself as Serpentor usurped
his leadership, led a group of Cobra troopers into the Pit along with
Destro.The only people actually inside the base were
a group of high-ranking officers who were investigating the team. Hawk,
General Ryan and Admiral Dyson tried to fend off Destro and Cobra
attack on their own, but failed.

Crater of collapsed
Pit II
Dyson gave his life
save the others, and a mortally wounded Ryan detonated explosives that
destroyed the Pit
as Hawk and Hollingsworth escaped. The Pit collapsed, leaving a crater
in the middle of Fort Wadsworth and the Joes without any headquarters.
After taking up temporary residence in the Chaplain's Assistants
the Joe team was to become a mobile unit. That plan proved to
for the G.I. Joe team's size, and a new Pit would soon be built.
Wadsworth actually exists
on Staten Island. According to the series' writer, Larry Hama, it was
to use the Army base as a reference for the comic book because of its
to Marvel's Manhattan offices. It
did house the Chaplain's Assistants School for a time, though only up
until 1979, three years before G.I. JOE #1 was published.