G.I. Joe #11
Friday, 29 January 2010
 G.I. JOE v3 #11

Cover Date:
November, 2009

Chuck Dixon
SL Gallant
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Colors: Andrew Crossley

Cover Artists:
(3 covers) Howard Chaykin and Edgar Delgado (x2); Robert Atkins and Andrew Crossley

Assistant Editor: Carlos Guzman
Associate Editor: Denton J. Tipton
Andy Schmidt

Summary: "The first face-to-face confrontation between a Joe and a Cobra! It's Snake Eyes vs. an unknown Cobra soldier in an epic fight to the death that neither of them may survive. Also: The Joes learn more of the true nature of the superweapon being built at Section Zero. And what has Mainframe learned that may lead to the end of the little town of Springfield?"

Alternate covers: