Collins, Mrs.
Friday, 31 December 2010

 MRS. COLLINS. The wife of the original Fred Broca, a Crimson Guardsman who looked exactly like the rest of the "Fred series". Fred's true identity was unknown. Like her children Sean and Heather, she was aware of the fact that Fred worked for Cobra. She and the children even participated in a battle against a team of Joes after the family was spotted at the Staten Island Mall. After Fred was killed in battle against the Joes, Mrs. Broca got a "replacement" husband, Fred II. Even the children knew that the new Fred was not their father. Some time later, Fred II was revealed to be Wade Collins, a former Vietnam prisoner of war and friend of Stalker and Snake-Eyes. Collins decided to turn his back on Cobra and his new family followed him to live a somewhat normal suburban life somewhere in America, taking his true name as their own. Years later, when young Sean was considering joining the Army, his mother insisted he talk to Wade about his experiences in the military. Years later, after Sean enlisted but before he became Snake-Eyes' ninja apprentice, Mrs. Collins died. Wade eventually moved to Seattle to start a new life without his wife.

Despite appearing several times, Mrs. Collins' first name was never revealed.

(GI 30, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, 108, 155)