Cohoe, Captain
Wednesday, 20 February 2008

 CAPTAIN COHOE. A New Jersey State Police officer unlucky enough to have a battle between the Dreadnoks and the Joes' Battle Force 2000 take place on the stretch of highway under his jurisdiction. After attempting to stop the Dreadnoks' destructive behavior with roadblocks, Cohoe at least stopped the Joes, who tried to explain they were under orders. As Cohoe argued with them, the last Dreadnoks vehicle -- Zanzibar's flying skiff with Zarana on board -- was shot down by one of the Joes and crash-landed directly on top of Cohoe's police car. The enraged Cohoe arrested everyone in sight. Eventually, the Joes were cleared and freed from jail, but Zarana and Zanzibar stayed behind. A newly-arrived Dreadnok, Road Pig saw a news report on the arrests, and recognized his "lady love" Zarana. Road Pig took the police by surprise and attacked, nearly wrecking Cohoe's entire police station to save the imprisoned Dreadnoks. Cohoe's State Police badge number was 5316.

(GI 81, 83)