Blind Master
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
 BLIND MASTER. The man who would become the Blind Master was once an aimless veteran living in Japan. He was eventually taken in by Hard Master of the Arashikage ninja clan. He was taken into their home and learned the ancient art of ninjitsu. Years later, he was involved in some sort of accident which robbed him of his sight. He eventually became a ninja master and was considered an honorary member of the clan.

The G.I. Joe team encountered the Blind Master in 1987. He was running a martial arts school in Denver, Colorado, which was next to the garage owned by Fred VII, an undercover Cobra Crimson Guardsman. It is not known if "sensei Moore" set up his school there by coincidence or design. When Cobra Commander and his son Billy were staying with Fred, Billy stumbled upon one of Blind Master's classes. What he saw brought back a flood of memories, helping him recall his ninja training under Storm Shadow, which he had forgotten after months in a coma. Billy learned that the Blind Master's assistant, Jinx, was another member of the Arashikage clan, and reported to the G.I. Joe team. Soon after Billy arrived, the Blind Master left his training to Jinx and headed off on a secret mission. The mission brought him to Grenada, where he posed as a tourist. There, he met with Snake-Eyes and Scarlett, who were vacationing there with Flint and Lady Jaye. With the Blind Master's assistance, Scarlett and Snake-Eyes faked their own deaths. Their goal was to sneak off on a mission into Borovia to rescue Stalker, Snow Job and Quick Kick, three Joes who were thrown into a Borovian gulag. The Defense Department had ordered that no rescue attempt would be made. Snake-Eyes, Scarlett and the Blind Master made their way through Europe to sneak into Borovia. On the way, they had to evade local thieves and soon joined a traveling circus. The circus owner had never seen a blind man juggle chainsaws (nor had anyone else). The group was joined by Jinx, Storm Shadow and Billy before they staged an assault on the gulag and freed the Joes and the other prisoners. After returning home to the United States, the Blind Master went into semi-retirement in San Francisco. There, he became mentor to a young thief named Tyrone, eventually instructing the boy in ninjitsu. The Blind Master spent years there before he encountered Zartan when the Cobra operative snuck into the Presidio. The Blind Master hoped to exact his vengeance on Zartan for killing his mentor, the Hard Master. Though he was blind, the master nearly bested Zartan in a brutal fight in an alleyway. Eventually, Zartan stabbed the ninja master. As the Blind Master lay dying he told Zartan that Onihashi - the swordsmith who brought Zartan into the clan - had forgiven Zartan before committing suicide ashamed of his apprentice's betrayal. Zartan couldn't believe that anyone could forgive him for what he did, and told the Blind Master that he had lived with guilt over Onihashi's death for all these years. But Zartan could do nothing but watch another man die at his hands. He vowed to change his ways, and used his mastery of disguise to pose as the Blind Master and become mentor to Tyrone. A short time later, Zartan revealed his true identity and abandoned the guise of the ninja master. The Blind Master is remembered as a friend to the G.I. Joe team. His legacy continued when one of his former students became a member of the G.I. Joe Ninja Force, and later helped establish a martial arts school for underpriviledged children.

(GI 59-67, 91, 97, 98, 145)