Wingfield, Vance
Tuesday, 26 February 2008

 VANCE WINGFIELD. The leader of the para-military group known as "Strike First". Headquartered at a camp in Montana, Wingfield was paranoid about the United States government and created a small army of followers to prepare for a war. A team of Joes infiltrated his camp to learn just how dangerous he was. "Commander" Wingfield received funding from Cobra and they eventually provided him with a nuclear bomb. Wingfield's insanity became obvious when he announced to his followers that he planned to trigger World War III between the USSR and America by dropping the bomb on Vladivostok or detonating it in Montana. The Joes discovered this and had to stop the bomb from exploding. Wingfield was shot by his wife Shary when she saw how insane her husband had become.

(GI 4)