Tuesday, 26 February 2008

 STRETCHER. The code name used by U.S. Army Sergeant Thomas J. Larivee. Stretcher grew up in Hartford, Connecticut and went on to become an Olympic weight lifter. A trained medic, Stretcher became known for using his strength to carry wounded soldiers off the battlefield to safety. One of Stretcher's first missions for the G.I. Joe team was as part of the extraction team sent to get a team of Joes out of Sierra Gordo during an Iron Grenadier attack. Later, Stretcher served during the Joes biggest operation to date, the Battle of Benzheen. Though he patched up many wounded Joes, several other Joes were killed in the battle, too far gone for anyone to save. He served on many more missions until G.I. Joe was shut down in 1994. Some time after the team was reinstated in 2001, Stretcher and many other former Joes joined the team on another invasion of Cobra Island, this time to fight the forces of a revived Serpentor.

(GI 105, 113, 129; GIv2 25; Figure: 1)