Sarawak Sally
Monday, 25 February 2008

 SARAWAK SALLY. The leader of a gang of Southeast Asian river pirates. Sally's gang captured members of the G.I. Joe team and October Guard when they came upon the two groups in the midst of a firefight. Sally often forced her prisoners to fight, and Lifeline and Horrorshow were chosen to fight for their teams. She was surprised when Lifeline used his knowledge of the martial art aikido to defeat the big Russian. Sally was about to shoot the loser until Lifeline refused to allow her to shoot an unarmed man. In exchange for everyone's lives, Lifeline revealed their objective -- top secret "black boxes" both teams wanted. Sally, impressed by his actions, freed them all, but threw the black boxes into the river as an offering to the "river spirits". Her current status is unknown.

(SM 4)