Ratnikov, Col.
Monday, 25 February 2008

 COLONEL RATNIKOV. A Borovian Security Police officer. After members of the Joe team broke into the State Security building in Borovian capitol of Krogdnz, Ratnikov arrived with his men and captured Stalker, Quick Kick and Snow Job, while Outback escaped. Ratnikov ordered Stalker to be beaten into unconsciousness, revived and beaten again. When he discovered that Outback was loose somewhere in the city, he personally led the search for him. Outback eluded the Security Police and led them on a chase all the way to Borovia's western border, hoping to reach the friendly nation on the other side. When Ratnikov caught up with him, Outback turned the tables on his pursuers and took the Colonel hostage. With Ratnikov at gunpoint, Outback forced a helicopter pilot to fly him across the border, but never actually told him where they were headed. Outback told the pilot and the Colonel that if they turned around and headed for home, they would be all right. He then bailed out above the low cloud cover. Though they couldn't see what was below, Ratnikov ordered the pilot to descend, refusing to listen to what the Joe told him. By the time Ratnikov realized that they had crossed the border into enemy territory it was too late. Enemy anti-aircraft guns fired on his helicopter and destroyed it.

(GI 61, SM 6)