Gabriel, Ophelia
Monday, 25 February 2008

OPHELIA GABRIEL. Ophelia Gabriel began training under Snake-Eyes to be the last student of the Arashikage ninja clan. Ophelia began training with former G.I. Joe Ninja Force members Nunchuk and T'Jbang shortly after the Joe team was shuut down in 1994. After two years of training, Snake-Eyes began training her directly, readying her for the "final trial". Though he didn't tell anyone, Snake-Eyes felt close to Ophelia because she reminded him of his dead sister. After a year of training, the final trial came when Duke sent word to Snake-Eyes that Duke's black ops Hammer Team was about to set a trap for the former Cobra agent and Arashikage enemy Firefly. Duke's five-member team included Sean Collins and former Russian commando, Mikhail Derenko, and they were to capture Firefly after he had been "hired" to destroy a factory. Duke secretly included Snake-Eyes, hoping his presence would change the mission enough that a traitor in the Hammer Team would reveal himself. Snake-Eyes and Ophelia arrived along with Firefly and the Hammer Team, but the mission turned disastrous when Firefly realized the set-up and set off a series of explosions that killed most of the Hammer Team, except for Sean Collins and the presumed dead Derenko. As Firefly escaped, Ophelia tried to stop him herself. Snake-Eyes could not get to her before Firefly shot and killed Ophelia. Snake-Eyes was so devastated by her death that he called off his marraige to Scarlett. He retreated to his cabin in the High Sierras and buried Ophelia nearby. Some time later, Sean Collins arrived at the cabin where he became Snake-Eyes apprentice, naming himself Kamakura, and after the Joe team was reinstated, Snake-Eyes and Scarlett reconciled.

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