Saturday, 23 February 2008

 HANNIBAL. One of ten clones created by Dr. Mindbender when trying to create Serpentor. The ten young clones would grow at a slower rate than normal, and Mindbender nearly abandoned them once he perfected the process to create the mature clone that became Serpentor, but instead placed them in stasis and left them alive unbeknownst to Cobra Commander. Each clone was the amalgamation of history's greatest soldiers. After the defeat of Cobra in the 1995, the U.S. government raided Mindbender's secret lab on Cobra Island and recovered the clone children. They were place in foster care until Serpentor and Dr. Mindbender gathered them in secrecy. Hannibal -- named for the ancient general -- had been grown at an accelerated rate by Mindbender, and looked to be in his late teens, much older than the other nine clones who appeared identical in age. Hannibal was the first of these cloones to come in contact with Dr. Mindbender, and abducted two of his younger "brothers" from their foster homes. A team of Joes were investigating the boys' disappearance and tracked down Hannibal and the others, but the boys escaped. The young clones all had a kind of psychic connection to each other. All the children joined Serpentor on Cobra Island during a battle between his forces, Cobra and G.I. Joe. After the battle, Hannibal and the other boys were again placed in the care of the government.

(GIv2 16, 22-25; Figure: 1)