Emir of Benzheen
Friday, 22 February 2008

 EMIR OF BENZHEEN. The ruler of the middle eastern nation, the Emirate of Benzheen. Benzheen is an oil-rich nation that was allied with the United States. When Cobra invaded Benzheen from the nearby Trucial Abysmia, the Emir escaped the invasion on a fighter jet, just missing his own death by seconds. The Emir got word to the United States and the G.I. Joe team was sent to free Benzheen. An arrogant man, the Emir seemed more interested in saving his precious art treasures than freeing his country. He and Hawk clashed often during the bloody battles that took place. Tired of Hawk's attitudes, the Emir sought out Cobra Commander to make a deal and save his country, but things did not go as planned. The Emir made a deal with Cobra, but he did so while at gunpoint. Cobra essentially held the country for ransom, and the Emir was forced into giving up considerable amounts of Benzheen's wealth to free the Emirate. Since the Battle of Benzheen, the United States has been less willing to be the Emir's ally.

(GI 110-116)