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Super Trooper PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 07 December 2010
 SUPER TROOPER. The code name used by U.S. Army Lieutenant Paul Lattimer, born in Dayton, Ohio. Lattimer enlisted in the Army straight out of high school and eventually was offered admission to West Point. Though he could have easily made his way up the ranks, helped along by admiring Joint Chiefs, he chose the infantry. Lattimer was the top graduate of a top secret Army school, whose object was to produce soldiers who could be placed deep within enemy territory and operate independently with almost no support. Under the code name Super Trooper, he eventually made his way to the G.I Joe team before it was shut down in 1994. Today, like many Joes, he is a reserve member of the team. Super Trooper was stationed in Kazakhstan during the conflict known as World War III.
One of many Joes listed on World War III member assignment map first seen in AE #28.

The text of Super Trooper's action figure filecard was slightly modified for the file card of Rapid-Fire, an action figure that was a repaint of Super Trooper.

(AE 25 (cover); Figure at 1)
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