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Chuck PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 20 February 2008

 CHUCK. A motorist who was perfectly willing to pick up hitch hikers. Chuck gave the Soft Master a ride in his station wagon when the old ninja master was traveling to Springfield, hoping to find out the identity of the Hard Master's killer. It became evident to the ninja that the "special coffee" Chuck was drinking while driving was mostly brandy. Chuck dropped the Soft Master off, but then picked up two more passengers -- Cobra Commander's son Billy and Ripcord's girlfriend Candy. While driving them, Chuck ran across the Soft Master fleeing from Cobra troops. When Chuck swerved to miss the ninja's car, his station wagon crashed and caught on fire, leaving all the passengers unconscious. The wagon was then blown to pieces by a missle from the Cobra agent, Scrap-Iron. The resulting explosion killed Chuck and Candy, while Billy lost an eye and a leg and was left comatose.

(GI 43)
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