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Caulder, Agent PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 20 February 2008

 AGENT CAULDER. Undercover CIA agent Caulder followed terrorist Tyler Wingfield around the world for months, watching and waiting until Wingfield got closer to achieving his plan to unleash the "Death Angel" virus upon the world. When Wingfield contacted Cobra for help, Caulder was lucky enough to infiltrate Cobra's team that had been sent to meet Wingfield and purchase the virus. Also with that team was the Joes' undercover agent, Chuckles. Caulder's CIA partner, Azure, had joined up with Wingfield two years earlier and pretended to fall in love with him and was by his side as he took over a missile base and prepared to launch rockets carrying the virus. When a group of Joes were found sneaking onto the base, Caulder saved Chuckles from having to shoot one of them and revealed Wingfield's intent to betray the Cobra agents after getting their money. At the last moment, as Caulder and the Joes attacked, Azure stabbed Wingfield and revealed her true identity. Wingfield got away, but Caulder and Azure helped stop his attempt to kill millions.

(FL 11, 12)
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