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Anderson, Agent PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
 AGENT ANDERSON. An undercover C.I.A. agent who acted as government liason on several military missions. In 1987, Anderson acted as liason on a G.I. Joe team mission into Southeast Asia. Anderson briefed the Joes on their mission in their transport plane prior to their parachute jump into the jungle. The team's mission was to recover a traitor, Theron Portland, who stole top secret U.S. computer chips. In reality, the mission was designed to fail, and the Soviet convoy the spy was traveling with was an armored column. The Joes were to make it look like an attempt to recover the spy was made, but the computer chips contained a virus that would damage Soviet computer systems. When the Joes sent the radio signal that the convoy was too large, Anderson sent a siren signal so that the convoy would find out the Joes were there. After the signal was sent, the Joes Wild Bill and Lift-Ticket "worked him over" and forced Anderson to tell the true point of the mission before the team was retrieved. The mission's true purpose failed as well, since the Joe sniper, Low-Light, took the chips from Portland instead of shooting him.

Later, Anderson was sent with another team of Joes into the Himalayan kingdom of Chomo-Lungma, a protectorate of the Republic of China. The team was sent to retrieve Cullen Esterhazy, a C.I.A. agent who disappeared in the area. The team found out that Esterhazy had become a freedom fighter in the Chomo-Lungma resistance. After a battle with the Chinese army in which Esterhazy was killed, the Joes left but Anderson stayed behind to work with the native people in their fight.

(SM 8, 14, 15)

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