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Efrati, Ibraham PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 25 February 2008

 EFRATI, IBRAHAM. A member of the Israeli intelligence group known as the Mossad. His parents were Morrocan Jews by descent. Ibraham led a branch of the Mossad that tracked down Nazi war criminal Otto Totenschadel to Buenos Aires, but before they could capture him, Totenschadel fled. Ibraham spent the next eight years looking for the Nazi until he found him again in Brazil, where members of the G.I. Joe team had tracked Totenschadel, as well. The Joes made a deal with Otto in order to get information he had about an old Nazi bomber filled with poisonous gas. Ibraham and his men were only interested in bringing him to trial, but the Joes made a deal to protect Otto from the Israelis. The Mossad agents captured the Joes, but Recondo snuck away to make the deal anyway. Eventually, the Joes and the Mossad attacked Otto's compound. The Joes kept the Israelis from getting to Totenschadel, despite Ibraham's wishes. Otto thought he was safe, but the Joes pointed out that they hadn't made a deal to protect Otto from the other Nazis who were protecting him. The Joes and Ibraham left Otto behind and the man was promptly killed by his fellow Nazis for selling them out.

(SM 2)
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