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Gregor PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 23 February 2008

 GREGOR. A guard at a rebel stronghold in the nation of Sierra Gordo. Gregor was one of two snipers stationed in the stronghold's guard tower when the G.I. Joe team attempted to rescue Dr. Adele Burkhart from the rebels. During a brief firefight, Gregor and another sniper named Dimitri shot and killed two Tucaro tribesman who were helping the Joes. The rescue was successful and the Joes fled into the jungle. Gregor and Dimitri followed the Joes into the jungle. They were apparently killed by Recondo when the Joe backtracked to see if they were being followed. Recondo may have been seeking revenge for the Tucaros, whom he had lived among for months. He threw the guards' rifles in the river as a sacrifice to the river spirits the Tucaros believed in.

(GI 39)
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