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Goodfellow, Chip PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 23 February 2008

 CHIP GOODFELLOW. A representative of the North American Banana Monopoly (NABM), a corporation known for often exploiting third world nations like Sierra Gordo. During the country's civil war, the NABM backed the rogue General Villavaca, who decided to get in on the war and created a third faction. Goodfellow represented the NABM's interests and was often by Villavaca's side during the civil war. Goodfellow assisted Villavaca in his purchase of weapons from Destro's company, MARS. A slick, well-dressed businessman, the arrogant Goodfellow seemed to enjoy helping wage the war for his share of the profits. When a team of Joes left the wartorn country with the American ambassador and documents that would prove embarrassing for the NABM, Goodfellow informed the General that they would no longer support his revolution. He then emptied cash from the NABM office's safes into a briefcase and prepared his seaplane for takeoff to get out of the country as it collapsed into chaos. A group of Joes, Dreadnoks and refugees were trying to escape Sierra Gordo, as well, and stole Goodfellow's plane to do so. Once in the air, Goodfellow emerged from the rear cabin with a machine gun and his briefcase, telling the Joes to change course. He didn't expect to contend with an aggravated Thrasher, who had suffered a number of injuries including a broken nose. Goodfellow's ultimatum was the last straw, and hoping to get some air in the cabin, Thrasher knocked him down and kicked open the door. Goodfellow and his briefcase full of money were sucked out of the plane somewhere over Central America.

(GI 69-71)
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