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El Jefe PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 22 February 2008

 EL JEFE. The leader of the Counter-revolutionaries of the Central American country, Sierra Gordo. After the government of Sierra Gordo was overthrown by revolutionaries, the leaders of the revolt became dictators, running the country through the military. The new provisional government became as corrupt as the previous government. Soon, a "counter-revolution" was born under the leadership of the man known as El Jefe. His group turned to guerilla warfare, striking from the mountains and jungles of Sierra Gordo.  In time, the provisional government was supported by Cobra, with the U.S. sending the Joes to support El Jefe's revolution. The war escalated when a new contender, General Villavaca got the support of the Sierra Gordan military and a corporation -- the North American Banana Monopoly -- intending to stop their considerable holdings in the nation from being taken over by the government. El Jefe helped a group of Joes led by Hawk escape Sierra Gordo from General Villavaca with a U.S. ambassador. He and the others were cornered by Villavaca's troops, but were unexpectedly saved by Destro. The weapons dealer offered El Jefe a deal: if he nationalized the N.A. Banana Monopoly's holdings and let him run them, he would supply El Jefe with weapons. El Jefe agreed, angering the U.S. ambassador who believed he was trading off pieces of Sierra Gordo to an arms dealer. El Jefe saw it as a necessary evil.

Over the course of the next year, El Jefe's idealism faded as he had to give in to compromises and Destro's corporation came to control even more of Sierra Gordo. When Destro rejoined Cobra, the terrorist organization now regained a foothold in the country. Soon, the counter-revolution began anew, this time fighting Destro and Cobra. El Jefe had changed sides again. Eventually, Destro's general - Voltar - and his forces captured El Jefe and held him prisoner. Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union organized rescue missions to free El Jefe, hoping he wouldn't support the other superpower. A small group of Joes infiltrated Voltar's base camp as peasant workers, and were ready to secretly release El Jefe until the October Guard raided the base camp and rescued El Jefe. They escaped into the mountains, with the Joes close behind. After his release, El Jefe was less than grateful to the October Guard, telling Colonel Brekhov that not only was he uninterested in Soviet help and suspect of their motives, but he was no longer interested in ruling for the peasants. Now he was just interested in power for himself. The group encountered a train filled with El Jefe's revolutionaries, and were on their way to the country's capitol, Rio Lindo when Voltar's forces caught up with them. A battle followed where the Joes and the October Guard fought to keep the train on the tracks, and to defeat Voltar's men. In the course of the battle, the October Guard's Brekhov, Horrorshow, Schrage and Horrorshow sacrificed themselves to save the revolution, but in the end, El Jefe betrayed them all, allowing the North American Banana Monopoly to takeover his country's assets once again and sided with the corporation to assure he's be put in charge. The remaining members of the October Guard and the Joes were held prisoner until more Joes rescued them, but El Jefe had lost his way. A few months after joining with the NABM, he was seen buying arms on Cobra Island.

In recent years, Sierra Gordo has become a more or less stable country, and now has a democratically-elected president. El Jefe's current status is unknown.

(GI 54-56, 69-71, 92, 98; SM 26)
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