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Red Ninjas PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 27 February 2008

 RED NINJAS. Mercenary ninjas who once were a part of the Arashikage clan. The clan scattered and was all but destroyed after the death of their leader, the Hard Master. It was believed that he was killed by his own nephew, the Young Master (a.k.a. Storm Shadow). Years later, these Red Ninjas were contacted by Zartan, who hired them to protect him from Storm Shadow, who wanted Zartan dead since he had been the actual killer of the Hard Master. Even when they learned the truth, the Red Ninjas blamed Storm Shadow for destroying the clan by inviting the outsider, Snake-Eyes, into their midst. They worked for Zartan and Cobra, and fought Snake-Eyes, Storm Shadow and their allies on many occasions. They were later contacted by Firefly, who posed as an Arashikage master. When they learned Firefly was a fraud, they abandoned him. The Red Ninjas' current whereabouts are unknown.

(GI 84, 85, 90, 91, 120-124, 126, 132-134, 136, 146; YB 3)

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