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Paine Brothers PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
THE PAINE BROTHERS. Sadistic torturers, the Paine Brothers are actually siblings. DeSade, Crispo and Torquemada were hired by Cobra and were assigned by the Baroness to torture Snake-Eyes while he was imprisoned in the Cobra Consulate. Before the brothers could torture him, Snake-Eyes used an old ninja trick, making them think his heart had stopped. Once their guard was down, the commando attacked them. Crispo threw a potful of hot coals at him, scarring his recently reconstructed face, but nowhere near as bad as his original disfigurement. Snake-Eyes then attacked the brothers, though it is uncertain if they survived. The Joe took Crispo's mask to cover his newly scarred face, Torquemada's blades and DeSade's uniform, and would keep wearing the clothes for the next year or so.
(GI 95)
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