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Domestic Operations Agency PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
DOMESTIC OPERATIONS AGENCY.  An agency of the federal government whose agents often worked as the "stooges" of the secret committee of Army generals known as "the Jugglers". The DOA was charged with rounding up fugitive members of the G.I. Joe team by corrupt General Malthus, who had already arrested most of the team following the Cobra civil war debacle. Malthus was trying to cover up the fact that he had authorized the Joes' participation in the failed operation and had also locked Hawk and General Hollingsworth in a Virginia hospital for psychiatric evaluation. The entire hospital staff was replaced by DOA agents, who engaged in a firefight with the Joes attempting to rescue their commanders.

Years later, the DOA hired a small group of mercenaries to eliminate Storm Shadow and Stalker, who were on the run from the Jugglers' leader at the time, General Crowther. It is unknown whether the DOA continued to work for the committeein later years.

(GI 78, 106, 107)

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