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Colonel Courage PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 04 September 2010
 COLONEL COURAGE. The code name used by U.S. Army Colonel Cliff V. Mewett, born in Boston, Massachusetts. With the military specialty of "administrative strategist", Colonel Courage is known for emphasizing proper dress and discipline in the soldiers under his command. Qualified to drive the Patriot armored vehicle, the Colonel worked with the  G.I. Joe team before it was shut down in 1994. Today, like many Joes, he is a reserve member of the team. Colonel Courage was stationed at the Pentagon during the conflict known as World War III.
One of many Joes listed on World War III member assignment map first seen in AE #28.
Note that Colonel Courage has the same file name as Airwave, a character released three years earlier, but is obviously not meant to be the same person.
(AE 25 (cover); Figure: 1)
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